i've been told to GET A HAIRCUT...

i've been told to GET A HAIRCUT...
Posted by dfwconsultant on January 31, 2003 at 00:52:24: Previous Next

I have been on a leave of absense from my job for a year. While I was out, I let me hair grow which is something I've always wanted to do. When I stated back to work again, I pulled it back into a pony tail (only about 2" or so) because I thought that would be more "professional". Well today, after just 10 days back on the job, I was called into my managers office and basically told "get a haircut" UGH!

He told me that there had been several comments by senior executives to both HR and to him about my hair. The way it was put was "we dont have a specific policy on hair length, and you can CHOOSE to wear it how you want, just understand that you will probablty have difficulties getting client assignments... unless your hair is more "normal"....

I know that if I dont get client assignments, then I wont have a job, probably sooner than later... Basically they are saying it is MY decision on how I want to wear my hair and how I want to impact my career. UGH!

Well, this to me is obvious discrimination. But I didnt lose my cool.... I just asked how he thought my hair would affect my abilities to do the job, and he said he knew it wouldnt affect my "technical" abilities, but it could affect my ability to be staffed on client projects... Again - just an "implied" threat...

Of course, I DO NOT want to cut it...

So --- has anyone out there fought this battle before?
My current plan to discuss this with my HR person on Monday...
But I fear this is a no win situation...

Anyone have any suggestions other than to find a new job?

Dfw Consultant

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