colored hair...HELP...

colored hair...HELP...
Posted by Justin Barbier on February 03, 2003 at 19:43:00: Previous Next

Okay, I have a question...I used to color my hair when it was shorter, but I decided to grow it out (@ 8 months now.) You cant really tell where it starts or stops, it's just a bit redder as I have dark brown hair. I (stupidly) dyed it back to my original color (about at 5 months) really with no results, i guess it faded? My question is, how should i go about removing the color. i'll eventually cut it out, or is this un-necessary? I see some products that "remove" color from hair, is this the way to go? which will be better in the long run, as I aspire to have ONE colored hair, haha. Will i be better off just cutting all of the damaged hair now, or later, or should I at all? Please help me someone! BTW I used L'oreal Preferance, if that matters at all...Later, Justin

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