the last cut convinced me I'm a longhair

the last cut convinced me I'm a longhair
Posted by Laurence Cunnington on February 06, 2003 at 07:46:38: Previous Next

Grew my hair from December 1996 until November 2000. My wife had given me intermittent grief about it (she's now practicing acceptance now I'm on a 12 step programme) and I was having a seriously bad hair day. Went and had it all cut off to 1" long - the barber asked me at least 5 times if I was sure and did I want to think about it and come back another day (can't blame him then). It's only hair for god's sake but I felt mutilated, as though I'd lost my identity - the whole lot. Cried for 2 weeks and only started to cope when I'd made the decision not to cut it again (which I haven't). Had to go through the whole growing out thing all over again (looked like Barry Manilow in my Summer 2001 holiday photos)! Now feel great and have learned from the experience. I realise that I needed to do this to find out how important it was for me to be a longhair (had the side effect of my wife realising and accepting its importance for me too - she'd thought I had long hair just to annoy her !). Now have 26 months growth and feel whole again.

A separate issue - I can't believe the 'biblical debate' on the American websites I've seen. Long haired ministers are a bit of a cliche over here in England. My home town of Harrogate in the North of England has loads of VERY long-haired longhairs and no-one cares. I've never experienced any discrimination and I understand that it would be illegal here anyway (men and women with long hair would be treated the same e.g. working with food etc.). I feel sorry for people who feel the need to control what other people look like 'You don't have to like it, but it's my thing' that's my motto.

One final thought - I know (for me) that long hair's an obsession but I think it's a benign obsession - much better than drinking or using.

Great website. P.S. Maintenance cuts are bad - they always cut off more than you want !!!

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