R.E.S.P.E.C.T ...your story

R.E.S.P.E.C.T ...your story
Posted by LucksKind on February 12, 2003 at 20:27:33: Previous Next

I hope that some of you guys out there will experience some when your hair...
gets fully into the LongHair Stage.

One thing you can probably look forward to as you leave the Awkward StageŽ is maybe...
a bit more respect?!

When my hair was in that NO MAN's Land, people just didn't know HOW
to 'react' to me OR...
to my HAIR.
But now that my hair is definitely into the long stage, most folks
seem more COMFORTABLE with it...
because at least NOW they KNOW I am way beyond just 'missing haircuts'...
or maybe the "When will he get his haircut?"

This NEW 'RESPECT' might just be something that I am experiencing...
and maybe others here will have reactions that are very DIFFERENT from mine.

It would be fascinating, to say the least, if some of you could share...

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