A song we can all sing... !

A song we can all sing... !
Posted by Treyn on September 11, 2003 at 21:36:17: Previous Next

I've been reading all the posts about growing long hair and all the worry-some hair care questions that are being asked, what to do, what not to do, what's damaging, stressfull, to condition, not to condition, etc. etc. etc., so and so forth...

All this brings me to write a happy tune that we all can sing along to! Using the melody of the old Christmas song, "Let It Snow", one, two, three - EVERYONE SING NOW! ----

** Starting to grow your hair long can be frightful
But in the end - it's so - delightful
The one thing we all need to know
Is "Let it grow, let it grow, let it grow!" ** ...

Now, I just know that everyone will be singing this tune right up to Christmas! Peace to all, and to all Happy Growin'!

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