hair loss scare

hair loss scare
Posted by vineswingman on September 14, 2003 at 01:56:32: Previous Next

i heard it's normal to lose 100-150 hairs a day, so i dont know if i'm over reacting.. BUT, whenever i take a shower ( i shower twice a day ) just by simply running my hand through my hair gently, I notice around 4 hairs on my hand. I rinse off my hand and do it again. Again, 4 hairs. This continues for about 5-10 mins, with i dont know how many hairs. My sink/counter is always covered in hairs (I'm too lazy to wash it.) I have VERY thick hair, and I notice no bald spots.. But my dad started losing his hair at 16, and was bald by his early 20s and I'm almost 19 myself. However, I hear that hair loss paterns are more dominate from the maternal side, and most of the men on her side die with a full head of hair. Should I be concerned, or should I have a professional take a look at it?

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