Wavy hair growing out sideways?!?

Wavy hair growing out sideways?!?
Posted by Victor Capo on September 19, 2003 at 03:08:55: Previous Next

Or so it seems...

I've been growing out my very thick, wavy hair since December (but was set back a couple of months when I went to get a trim and the stupid hairstylist nearly chopped my hair all off a couple of months ago)...

Anyway, the sides just barely touch my earlobes, the back's down to the bottom of my neck, and the front is down to my nose...

But I swear sometimes my hair just looks like it's growing out to the sides instead of following gravity! It's incredibly frustrating sometimes, and I want to think that when it gets long enough, it'll look more "normal" but it's been a while now, and I just look like I have weird hair horns sticking out from behind my ears...

Will this eventually get better? Or is my hair hopeless?


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