an introduction and my 2 cents...

an introduction and my 2 cents...
Posted by SalenaB. on September 19, 2003 at 03:27:13: Previous Next

some might know me from the ladie's long hair site, though i'm not sure if i would recognize anyone, i'm fairly new to both. :)

i am female, and not only an admirer of long hair on women, but certianly on men. but there's just not enough of them these days, and that's a shame. long hair should definitly come back into mainstream style for both sexes, i think. and i'm sure many of you will agree with me on that ;)

i applaud every man that can take care of their hair properly and not think anything 'feminine' about it. i've known many males that said they wouldnt grow their hair out because long hair is "a girl's thing". kudos to everyone here, and i hope i can contribute anything i can. even if this is for men, hair is still hair, right? ;)

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