Report on 5 ft wig

Report on 5 ft wig
Posted by Michael on September 19, 2003 at 13:36:18: Previous Next

I said I'd report back to the hyperboard when I had received the 5 foot-long wig from the catalogue company. Well, I received the wig. It is at least 5 feet long, as I am 5'10" and it comes down to just above my anckes. It's blonde and made of some synthetic stuff. It sort of feels like real hair, but it snarls really bad, and it's imposible to unsnarl it.
The main thing is that for 10 bucks I got the opportunity to feel what really long hair might be like. Of course it's probably not even close to what it's like to have the real stuff growing out of your head, but I'm glad I had the opportunity to see what it might be like . . . AND I LOVE IT! To be honest, ankle length was a little awkward, so I cut it back to knee-length, and that was great.
I'd love to have Jack Paterson-length hair, but I know that genetically speaking, that probably will never happen. So I spent the ten bucks and fantasized a little. A little harmless fantasy never hurt anyone. An I satisfied my curiousity.
I only wish my fantasy was true.
Happy Growing.

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