I had an idea! *I also have a question*

I had an idea! *I also have a question*
Posted by Evil Milkman on September 21, 2003 at 18:50:11: Previous Next

Today, for some unknown reason, I had this bright idea for dealing with my weird hair (it's weird because basically my hair is wavy/straighter on top and really curly underneath on the sides).

In short, I decided that I would use a straightening iron on the extremely curly sides on the underside layer to make it into a large wave or two. Now my hair is less bushy on the sides and lays down nicely with the rest of my hair. Plus, it looks longer when I do this. It only takes a few minutes and makes it looks much better. I'm much happier with my hair now! :)

Just wanted to share that for anyone with the same problem I have.

Now... For the question.

I'll see about getting some more pictures in the next couple of weeks. I will probably need to take some pictures with a disposable camera and get them put on a floppy disk at Wal-Mart. Can Wal-Mart do this or what do I need to do?


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