a couple of questions...
Posted by dF on September 22, 2003 at 10:13:05: Previous Next
well... over this weekend someone told me i should get my hair thinned out because it's so thick. as far as i have seen on other posts on here, that would be a bad thing right? i guess my hair is starting to get *really* noticably longer now...
also, about an undercut, would that also be a bad thing? from what i have read on here, any sort of cut is bad because it takes away length and prolongs the "awkward stage". one of my friends is growing his hair out as well, and he recently got an undercut, and it looked alot neater... so i thought i would come here and ask these questions.
Re: a couple of questions...
Posted by Jenn on September 22, 2003 at 11:30:16: Previous Next
In Reply to: a couple of questions... posted by dF on September 22, 2003 at 10:13:05:
: well... over this weekend someone told me i should get my hair thinned out because it's so thick. as far as i have seen on other posts on here, that would be a bad thing right? i guess my hair is starting to get *really* noticably longer now...
No offense, but this "someone" you refer to is either really ignorant, or really jealous of your thick hair. Thinning (in my opinion anyway) is one of the worst things you can do to your hair. It will affect the growth in nasty ways. Leave it alone. Thinning=BAD!
: also, about an undercut, would that also be a bad thing? from what i have read on here, any sort of cut is bad because it takes away length and prolongs the "awkward stage". one of my friends is growing his hair out as well, and he recently got an undercut, and it looked alot neater... so i thought i would come here and ask these questions.
How long is your hair exactly? If you're in the awkward stage, I wouldn't undercut it for the factor that, well, it might look kind of odd, don't you think? Besides, think about how long you've been growing your hair, and think about whether you'd want this style for a long time. If you start to hate it, you may regret ever doing it. Give it at least two weeks before you do anything.
Re: a couple of questions...
Posted by Devon on September 22, 2003 at 11:35:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: a couple of questions... posted by Jenn on September 22, 2003 at 11:30:16:
I share Jenn's opinions. I think both options are a BAD idea.
Re: a couple of questions...
Posted by mjtoo on September 22, 2003 at 12:16:25: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: a couple of questions... posted by Devon on September 22, 2003 at 11:35:50:
i'm not so quick to agree with the previous posts.
i have seen undercuts that looked AWFUL, and i have seen some that looked fantastic. it all depends on the type of hair you have, and the length of your hair. generally, the thicker the hair, the better an undercut will look...but i am NOT a fan of the extreme undercut either way. an inch or two at the most in the back, and no more than an inch on the sides. just enough to tidy up the overall look.
IF your hair isn't long enough to pull back into a decent ponytail, then wait on an undercut.
thinning your hair out is really layering it....so, if your hair is rather thick and "bushy" i'm not so sure thinning would help you out here. you can try a flatiron and get some tremendous success to tame unruly hair. BUT, you gotta be careful to use it correctly or you could damage your hair. i've used one for two years now and haven't regretted it once.
good luck!
: I share Jenn's opinions. I think both options are a BAD idea.
Re: a couple of questions...
Posted by Devon on September 22, 2003 at 16:09:37: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: a couple of questions... posted by mjtoo on September 22, 2003 at 12:16:25:
The "problem" with undercuts is that once you have long hair (past shoulderlength) the hair itself would weigh itself down and there wouldn't be a "need" for an undercut anymore. But now there's a problem if you want to grow it all long, because with the short hairs all around you'll look ridiculous when you want to tie a ponytail. I know what I'm talking about because I used to have a thin undercut to tidy things up. I ended up regretting it. It's not something you can undo with a snap of your fingers.
As far as taming the hair with an iron, well, I wouldn't recommend it. I know some have used it successfully but I'd much rather use gel.
Re: a couple of questions...
Posted by dF on September 22, 2003 at 13:06:05: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: a couple of questions... posted by Jenn on September 22, 2003 at 11:30:16:
i'm definately not to the point where i feel i should go out and get it thinned or anything. it just made me curious because he mentioned it... i'm not sure how long my hair is exactly, it's a little over my ears on the sides and to the bottom of my nose in the front. i can manage the front and sides pretty well using the l'oreal melting gel, but the back is HOPELESS at the moment. very wavy/curly, gets very annoying at times. it's strange that it's only the back that is doing that... anyway, thanks for the comments. i'm going to wait it out and see what happens...it seems to be growing so slowly!
Re: a couple of questions...
Posted by Dan on September 22, 2003 at 12:04:14: Previous Next
In Reply to: a couple of questions... posted by dF on September 22, 2003 at 10:13:05:
> someone told me i should get my hair thinned
> that would be a bad thing right?
> also, about an undercut, would that also be a bad thing?
If it's the look you want, then go for it. That's what freedom and choice are all about. I personally detest them. I think they look terrible.