Bye bye, long hair

Bye bye, long hair
Posted by I am Ten Thousand and One on September 24, 2003 at 19:17:25: Previous Next

Yeah, I know I don't really post much here, but here's what happened today:

First note that my hair is completely straight, naturally (it's Asian hair). But there is absolutely no wave at all in's even straighter than any other Asian hair I've seen. So it was getting long and unruly in the back, and I went to get a trim. Well, I've been to about 395723957235 different places to get my hair cut in town, and NO ONE knows how to cut straight hair at all. So this time, it got so messed up beyond fixing, I was like "crap on this" and chopped it all off to about less than 1" long (it was about 16" long in most places before). I've never even had my hair this short before...even before I grew it out, it was considered "long" by most people. But whatever. Yeah...

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