Regaine (UK)

Regaine (UK)
Posted by Big L on September 25, 2003 at 06:20:16: Previous Next

I was queueing in Boots (pharmacy) today and noticed a product called 'Regaine' which claimed to stop thinning hair (well at £69.95 for 3 months supply it would !). I'm 41 and nearing three years without a cut - I have very thick hair but it's receding/thinning at the front.

Couple of questions :

a) is this the same product as the 'Rogaine' that I've heard people mention on this board (could be yet another example of this strange habit manufacturers have of giving products slightly different names in different countries) and

b) has anyone here used it and, more importantly, DOES IT WORK ??!!

Thanks in advance.

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