Damage from color... advice

Damage from color... advice
Posted by Dan on September 30, 2003 at 16:35:41: Previous Next

About 15 months ago, my boyfriend had his (4") hair colored a lighter shade. After about 3 or 4 months he started growing out his hair, and has not cut it since.

The issue is that the hair that was colored is like straw, and I would advise his to cut it, except that he has been trying to get all his hair in a ponytail, and he is JUST there. A cut would remove anywhere from 3-4 inches, which is a rather bad setback.

Any advice as to what to do while we are waiting for this hair to grow out? I don't even want to suggest a trim, since I am sure a stylist would try and chop it off (I have read TOO many horror stories here).

We don't want to color again (more damage) just do something (some deep conditioning sort of thing) to the hair at the ends. His own hair is a GORGEOUS lusterous head of silk.

Please help.


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