question about height and long hair
Posted by Hyperplane on October 02, 2003 at 22:11:22: Previous Next
I have one quick question. Should short people (say around 5'7'') consider growing their hair long (say, just touching the shoulders)? I have heard that longer hair on short people makes them look even shorter. Some opinions would help.
Re: question about height and long hair
Posted by Jenn on October 02, 2003 at 22:23:16: Previous Next
In Reply to: question about height and long hair posted by Hyperplane on October 02, 2003 at 22:11:22:
My friend at one time had hair past the middle of his back (this was before I knew him but I've seen pictures). It didn't make him look any shorter. He's 5'4". Can't get too much shorter than that ^_^
height and hair
Posted by Jude on October 03, 2003 at 17:18:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: question about height and long hair posted by Jenn on October 02, 2003 at 22:23:16:
A short man is a short man. Wear your hair long. If your concerned about height, wear lifts or get a shorter girlfriend.
Posted by tommy turbo on October 02, 2003 at 23:04:22: Previous Next
In Reply to: question about height and long hair posted by Hyperplane on October 02, 2003 at 22:11:22:
I am only 5' 8" myself, and have had hair as long as past my butt, and short. Right now it is mid back and growing, because that is how I want it. I don't like my hair short, and only cut it short because I made a bad choice. I have learned from it. Any way you need to do what YOU think is right and not worry about perceptions and others opinions.
As for me I use to think I was short, but I have run into many guys my height or way less, and realized I am fine like I am.
Did you know the average height for the american male is about 5'8".
I would think that the long hair would make you apear taller.
Posted by tommy turbo on October 02, 2003 at 23:04:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: question about height and long hair posted by Hyperplane on October 02, 2003 at 22:11:22:
I am only 5' 8" myself, and have had hair as long as past my butt, and short. Right now it is mid back and growing, because that is how I want it. I don't like my hair short, and only cut it short because I made a bad choice. I have learned from it. Any way you need to do what YOU think is right and not worry about perceptions and others opinions.
As for me I use to think I was short, but I have run into many guys my height or way less, and realized I am fine like I am.
Did you know the average height for the american male is about 5'8".
I would think that the long hair would make you apear taller.
Let's see, I'm 5'4" (163cm)...
Posted by Gollan on October 02, 2003 at 23:30:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: question about height and long hair posted by Hyperplane on October 02, 2003 at 22:11:22:
: short people (say around 5'7'') consider growing their hair long
5'7" is *short*, huh? I'm 5'4" (163cm) and I *am* short. Most of my hair is touching my shoulders. It might make me look a little smaller overall but I don't feel I look any shorter and so far no one has said anything about me looking shorter. In my opinion if someone likes their hair long, it shouldn't matter if it makes them look shorter. If someone told you that I would question their motivation.
Short guys strike back!
Posted by Redleader on October 03, 2003 at 11:27:21: Previous Next
In Reply to: question about height and long hair posted by Hyperplane on October 02, 2003 at 22:11:22:
Being only 5'6 myself, I am the subject of a LOT more short cracks than hair cracks. I've had multiple girls tell me good things about my hair, yet never has a girl approached me with "I really love how short you are!"
But here's what I see in all of this....
A 7'0 man's hair will grow at the same rate as a 5'0 guy's hair....around 6 inches per year. If both men have a hair lifespan of 4 years, the 7'0 man will perhaps achieve hair to his chest. However, the 5'0 man will have hair near his waist!
This is what I tell myself as my hair continues to grow. But yes, if it is length that you are growing for, then being short is definately a plus!
Re: question about height and long hair
Posted by Piotr S. on October 03, 2003 at 13:25:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: question about height and long hair posted by Hyperplane on October 02, 2003 at 22:11:22:
Well I'm 6 foot so I wouldnt say I can help you that much but I think that long hair can fit anyone of any height.
Re: question about height and long hair
Posted by elektros on October 04, 2003 at 23:13:45: Previous Next
In Reply to: question about height and long hair posted by Hyperplane on October 02, 2003 at 22:11:22:
: Hi,
: I have one quick question. Should short people (say around 5'7'') consider growing their hair long (say, just touching the shoulders)? I have heard that longer hair on short people makes them look even shorter. Some opinions would help.
: Thanks.
: Hyperplane
Whether that's short depends on where you are in the world, and you can post here from anywhere. I have read that the average for males in the US is actually 5'11'', as opposed to 5'8'' as someone posted. In the UK, where I originally come from it's only 5'9'', and in Japan, for example, I'm sure it's less, whereas in scandinavia it would be more.
I am 5'8'', and nobody called me short until after I came to the US (well, they did when I was a kid, but we were all still growing!). Anyway, by the time I came here I was in my 30s and married, so I hadn't been regarded as short when I was single and dating girls.
As someone else pointed out, if you're short your hair will look longer. On average, women tend to be shorter, and girls who are only 5'2'' often appear to have extremely long hair! Women do tend to prefer tall guys, but I don't think long hair will make you look shorter, so it won't make any difference. Also, since they are shorter on average, you don't really have a problem unless you are shorter than most of them, which isn't the case if you are 5'7'', so don't worry about it on that score.
Re: question about height and long hair
Posted by John L. on October 09, 2003 at 03:11:42: Previous Next
In Reply to: question about height and long hair posted by Hyperplane on October 02, 2003 at 22:11:22:
Um, it really doesn't change the height perception whether or not you have long hair. I don't see myself being shorter now that my hair is mid-back, compared to how it was in 1989, which was, yes, short. BTW: I'm 5'7" tall...
: Hi,
: I have one quick question. Should short people (say around 5'7'') consider growing their hair long (say, just touching the shoulders)? I have heard that longer hair on short people makes them look even shorter. Some opinions would help.
: Thanks.
: Hyperplane
Re: question about height and long hair
Posted by shane on October 21, 2003 at 19:10:24: Previous Next
In Reply to: question about height and long hair posted by Hyperplane on October 02, 2003 at 22:11:22:
im only 5'7 or 5'8 and it doesnt make me look any shorter or taller, my hair is past shoulder length, plus ive gotten comments from girls i knew when i had short hair, said i look older and more attractive with long hair, i asked about the height thing and they said i didn't look any taller or shorter