Long hair, balding, etc (My Story).

Long hair, balding, etc (My Story).
Posted by Sam on October 03, 2003 at 11:56:23: Previous Next

I have been interested in the posts by guys who are or have already lost most of their hair, but continue to keep what is left, long.

I grew my hair long in college, and kept it that way until my late 20s. By 22 my hair started to thin a bit, and by 24, my shower drain was clogging a couple of times a week.

At that time I started to notice my hairline was receding, and I was getting a thin spot on my crown. I freaked. My friends all said "CUT IT", and I did.

I cut off my 24" ponytail, and then over a period of 3 years got shorter and shorter until finally I shaved it bald.

It took a while to get used to, but I kinda liked having my head shaved smooth, for one thing, you don't age...

A couple of months ago, I met a guy, who is growing his hair, and we started dating. When he saw my old pictures he went crazy, said that I MUST grow my hair back.

So after 8 years of shaving my head on a daily basis, I stopped. Well, what I found is that I have anice, thick dark fringe, and only some fuzz on top. My boyfriend is pushing me to grow it out and get a toupe for the top.

To be honest, I am not really wanting to wear a rug, but here comes my question.

Why is it that it is only OK to have long hair ONLY if you have a certain hair density? There seem to be a number of guys on this board who are in various stages of balding, and still keep their hair.

Shouldn't you be able to enjoy the hair that you DO have, and not worry about what you have lost?

There are a number of guys where I work that have long hair, and about half are in some stage of MPB.

I have even seen a guy at the supermarket whose thick hair is to his waist, and yet the top is as slick bald as mine was.

Part of me feels stupid for cutting off my hair. I loved it... it looked and felt great. Now I am not sure what to do. Shave it or grow it? And if I grow it... do I get a toupee or not???

What do you all think?


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