Family trying to make me feel bad

Family trying to make me feel bad
Posted by Cola on October 05, 2003 at 13:29:42: Previous Next

They're a complete mystery to me and sometimes I just want to strangle them. Here's what my family, the people who are supposed to be closest to me, have to say on the subject:

- "I've been dreaming about the days when you were a nice young man and clean cut"

- "You're only growing your hair out because you don't have confidence in yourself"

- "You look like a hobo"

- "Please let me cut it. I'll pay you to cut it"

- "You look shaggy and dirty. At least let me cut it around your ears"

These are just some of the nicer comments I'm hit with everytime I see my family. It makes me sad that something as trivial as my hair can make them so upset. I've come to expect a hassle from strangers, but I wasn't expecting to be taunted by my own blood. What are they afraid of?

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