posts not showing up
Posted by Josiah on October 06, 2003 at 05:53:16: Previous Next
I made several posts here that never appeared in the forum. Is this a bug in the forum software, or is it related to the fact that posts are "screened"? Is this an exclusive club where you have to know a secret handshake to get in? I can understand screening out spam and trolls, but I wonder how many valid posts never make it past the moderators simply because it's their whim. Maybe this post will never show up either, oh well.
Posted by LucksKind on October 06, 2003 at 14:28:15: Previous Next
In Reply to: posts not showing up posted by Josiah on October 06, 2003 at 05:53:16:
: "I made several posts here that never appeared in the forum. Is this a bug in the forum software, or is it related to the fact that posts are "screened"? Is this an exclusive club where you have to know a secret handshake to get in? I can understand screening out spam and trolls, but I wonder how many valid posts never make it past the moderators simply because it's their whim. Maybe this post will never show up either, oh well."
If your topic was about hair and you weren't using fowl language...
I don't see why your posts wouldn't show up.
Maybe you were just UNlucky enough to post at a bad time?
No secret handshakes...he..he. . .
Re: posts not showing up
Posted by Webmaster on October 06, 2003 at 17:39:12: Previous Next
In Reply to: posts not showing up posted by Josiah on October 06, 2003 at 05:53:16:
: I made several posts here that never appeared in the forum. Is this a bug in the forum software, or is it related to the fact that posts are "screened"? Is this an exclusive club where you have to know a secret handshake to get in? I can understand screening out spam and trolls, but I wonder how many valid posts never make it past the moderators simply because it's their whim. Maybe this post will never show up either, oh well.
This topic (discussing whether messages are posted) is not allowed on the forum. Complaints should be made by using the Contact Webmaster link. However, I will make an exception in this case.
I just reviewed the logs, and I can find no instance of a post by Josiah having been deleted by a screener. On the contrary, quite a few have been posted.
There are 11 Josiah posts currently on the board (this number will change when I next trim the board).
If you believe there is still a problem, please contact me using the link I mentioned.