Balding Men/Posers

Balding Men/Posers
Posted by Tyr on October 04, 2003 at 16:15:50: Previous Next

Hail Brothers and Sisters! I notice recently a few posts regarding men who have long hair, yet are balding. The continuous theme throughout these posts are whether or not it should be cut, or grown long regardless of hair loss. It is indeed a modern convention that if one is growing bald, one should cut their hair to hide the fact. However, there is one major problem with this, and it comes in the form of the word "convention". As stated once before, conventions are useless and those who bow to them do not belong to this world. If you are balding, but wish to let you hair grow on the sides...than do it Brother!!! Embrace the path which makes you feel content, and not those posers whose false hearts are here merely to bring you down. Do what your heart cries for, and remember that you must live for yourself and not give your dreams to anyone else. Conventions are for those who listen to whatever music is popular for their time, wear whatever happens to be "cool" and turn their backs on whatever they find "abnormal". Walk your own path...I rather have one long hair on my head and know that I am true to myself...than no hair and known that I've betrayed my heart. My father is nearly bald, so chances are my long hair will begin to fade one day. When that day comes it will be simple... I will merely ask myself what my heart desires. If I want the remaining hair to be cut off, than I shall do so. If I want the remaining hair to grow than I shall do so...and never will I take into account what some passer by has to say, and never will I take into account what is popular. Glory to the honest heart and I wish all balding men to just follow it! GOOD LUCK!!! :-)

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