How Does it Feel?...
Posted by Brian on October 07, 2003 at 19:44:53: Previous Next
I've been curious about something for more than awhile. I want to ask you guys with straight to super straight hair about how it feels to have it.
I mean, I don't see any negatives to it. You can brush it without puffing out, you can get out of the shower not have to do anything to it. You don't have to worry the annoying curl at the ends or the wings in the awkward stage. It really appears to me that there are pretty much no cons.
I myself have (I guess you'd say) pretty wavey hair. I actually think it will look really cool as it gets longer, because it makes large one-inch waves all the way throughout. But at a mere nine-ish inches, I can only wait and continue to straighten it for the time being.
So I suppose I'm asking you guys with straight hair if you ever tire of it? I think it would be amazing to be able to play around with your hair and have it fall back into place or not have to worry about humidity. It looks so easy. But is it really deceiving or overrated? Do any of you wish you could have curls or waves? Any of you get bored of it?
Cheers in advance,
- Brian
(i dont have straight hair)
Posted by john on October 07, 2003 at 19:51:35: Previous Next
In Reply to: How Does it Feel?... posted by Brian on October 07, 2003 at 19:44:53:
i wish i did though
i mean i cant exactly ride around in a convertible and my hair down and just have it fall back in to place
curly hair is just so much harder
i mean we have to worry about the slightest rain/humidity
the wind
hot weather
Re: How Does it Feel?...
Posted by Tmac on October 07, 2003 at 23:04:03: Previous Next
In Reply to: How Does it Feel?... posted by Brian on October 07, 2003 at 19:44:53:
: So I suppose I'm asking you guys with straight hair if you ever tire of it? I think it would be amazing to be able to play around with your hair and have it fall back into place or not have to worry about humidity. It looks so easy. But is it really deceiving or overrated? Do any of you wish you could have curls or waves? Any of you get bored of it?
: Cheers in advance,
: - Brian
::: TOTALLY! I have very dark brown 'Asian' hair. Right now @ least 7 inches near the bangs and top. I don't wish for curly hair but perhaps wavy near & @ the ends. Isn't it weird how people are NEVER COMPLETELY happy with themselves?
The grass is always greener...
Posted by ahren on October 08, 2003 at 00:31:45: Previous Next
In Reply to: How Does it Feel?... posted by Brian on October 07, 2003 at 19:44:53:
People simply always want what they don't or can't have. One minute I want straight hair like my friend, another minute I want it to be more wavy. And then other people tell me they want their hair to be more like mine.
So one day I figured I'd just wash my hands of the whole damn matter. I'll just be satisfied with my hair simply because it's mine. And that's that.
Re: How Does it Feel?...
Posted by Oversurf on October 08, 2003 at 05:42:59: Previous Next
In Reply to: How Does it Feel?... posted by Brian on October 07, 2003 at 19:44:53:
: I want to ask you guys with straight to super straight hair about how it feels to have it.
Feeling good, thanks for asking. Tangles? What's that?
Frizz? I could use some. I do feel a bit guilty because the
'awkward stage' was more like 'awkward week.'
: It really appears to me that there are pretty much no cons.
Well, there are cons, but it may be due to the density of straight
hair. Mine is of a finer texture, and so humidity or sweat will
make it flat.
: ...because it makes large one-inch waves all the way throughout.
People pay to have waves put in their straight hair and straighten
hair that has too much wave. I'd say you're right in the middle.
: So I suppose I'm asking you guys with straight hair if you ever tire of it?
No way. If I did, I'd cut it, donate the hair to Locks of Love and
tell everyone on the Maury show that Hair Religion made me do it.
(Just kidding...) heh heh
Re: How Does it Feel?...
Posted by Richard on October 08, 2003 at 05:43:04: Previous Next
In Reply to: How Does it Feel?... posted by Brian on October 07, 2003 at 19:44:53:
It's funny you should mention this because I often wonder what its like to have wavy or curly hair(my hair is thick/blonde/straight). Getting through the awkward stages seems easier with straight hair but once people with curly or wavy hair get it long enough it looks amazing, and I do find myself a bit envious...though I don't think I would trade if given the choice.
Re: How Does it Feel?...
Posted by Justin on October 08, 2003 at 11:07:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: How Does it Feel?... posted by Brian on October 07, 2003 at 19:44:53:
: I've been curious about something for more than awhile. I want to ask you guys with straight to super straight hair about how it feels to have it.
: So I suppose I'm asking you guys with straight hair if you ever tire of it?
Feels great and I never tire of it. :-)
Re: How Does it Feel?...
Posted by Piotr S. on October 08, 2003 at 13:32:10: Previous Next
In Reply to: How Does it Feel?... posted by Brian on October 07, 2003 at 19:44:53:
I'm really glad I have straight hair cause the awkward stage isnt really bad and its easy to comb and everything but sometimes I do wish that I had some waves in my hair but overall I'm happy about my hair type.
Re: How Does it Feel?...
Posted by Sid on October 08, 2003 at 17:24:10: Previous Next
In Reply to: How Does it Feel?... posted by Brian on October 07, 2003 at 19:44:53:
My hair is wavy and I'm glad.... I wuldnt want straight hair. It used to be straight till I chopped it all off and it grew back wavy.... good thing. But the point is, Wavy hair looks good one me.... Straight thair probably wouldnt... I am pretty much of the opinion that people look good with whatever they have... SO just be happy with that you got! It probably suits you more than anything
Pros and Cons
Posted by Redleader on October 08, 2003 at 18:18:07: Previous Next
In Reply to: How Does it Feel?... posted by Brian on October 07, 2003 at 19:44:53:
I have curly hair that does tend to give me mixed feelings.
Why I like my curls:
-girls tell me frequently that they would kill for my hair type and that I should realize just how lucky I am
-it looks very thick
-it keeps my head and ears warm when walking to class in the cold
-it fits my overall look well
Why I wish I had asian-straight hair:
-no DETANGLING involved
-appears (but dosen't in truth) to grow faster
-With curls I will never achive near waist length
-Would be easier to tie back
-I could do the action where one runs one's hand ovetop one's head to keep hair out of eyes.
Straight hair has one big advantage
Posted by EdG on October 08, 2003 at 19:56:58: Previous Next
In Reply to: How Does it Feel?... posted by Brian on October 07, 2003 at 19:44:53:
Its the shortest distance between two points (;-)
Straight hair has one big advantage
Posted by EdG on October 08, 2003 at 19:57:03: Previous Next
In Reply to: How Does it Feel?... posted by Brian on October 07, 2003 at 19:44:53:
Its the shortest distance between two points (;-)
best of both worlds
Posted by mjtoo on October 08, 2003 at 21:44:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: How Does it Feel?... posted by Brian on October 07, 2003 at 19:44:53:
mine is naturally pretty wavy....when it was down to my chest it hung in ringlets. i did occassionaly get tired of it and in humidity, it was awful. but the waves/curls were nice and consistent, and many females were jealous. ;-)
BUT, now i straighten mine with a flatiron. i love it and NEVER tire of it... and females seem to still be jealous of it (and even guys compliment me on it).
so if i had to make choice, i would have to say curly, because you can always straighten it with a flat iron, and get the look you want. if your hair is naturally straight, it is really difficult to know what curly hair is like without a perm...and once you've got a perm or a body wave (relaxed perm)that's it!
: I've been curious about something for more than awhile. I want to ask you guys with straight to super straight hair about how it feels to have it.
: I mean, I don't see any negatives to it. You can brush it without puffing out, you can get out of the shower not have to do anything to it. You don't have to worry the annoying curl at the ends or the wings in the awkward stage. It really appears to me that there are pretty much no cons.
: I myself have (I guess you'd say) pretty wavey hair. I actually think it will look really cool as it gets longer, because it makes large one-inch waves all the way throughout. But at a mere nine-ish inches, I can only wait and continue to straighten it for the time being.
: So I suppose I'm asking you guys with straight hair if you ever tire of it? I think it would be amazing to be able to play around with your hair and have it fall back into place or not have to worry about humidity. It looks so easy. But is it really deceiving or overrated? Do any of you wish you could have curls or waves? Any of you get bored of it?
: Cheers in advance,
: - Brian
Re: How Does it Feel?...
Posted by Jarkko on October 09, 2003 at 03:56:15: Previous Next
In Reply to: How Does it Feel?... posted by Brian on October 07, 2003 at 19:44:53:
With my straight hair reaching my waist I can tell some points about having this hair type:
+ It shines due to its flat overall shape.
+ It can be worn flat and unnoticeable.
+ It is easier to braid.
+ It is easier to brush and comb.
+ It does not poof out in any weather.
- The longer it gets the flatter it becomes.
- Making "body" or curls to the hair is difficult.
- It tangles/dreads very easily.
- It getd glued to ones head if it gets wet.
- It looks dirty and greasy more easily.
Still, I like my just fine.
P.S. I definitely need to brush my hair after showering, when it is dry. It won't look good just without maintenance, but rather a mop.
: I mean, I don't see any negatives to it. You can brush it without puffing out, you can get out of the shower not have to do anything to it. You don't have to worry the annoying curl at the ends or the wings in the awkward stage. It really appears to me that there are pretty much no cons.