Conditioners are over rated.

Conditioners are over rated.
Posted by Sid on October 14, 2003 at 12:29:37: Previous Next

Ok, like all you guys say, everyone has to find out what works best for THEIR hair, and this is what I feel for mine.

Maybe it's just cause my hair is only 5 inches long, but I think that conditioners are over rated. They don't do much good for me at all. I imagine if my hair was as long as some of you guys, it would be more necessary, but at my length it just seems to make it worse.

I was reminiscing on all my best hair days recently, and I realized that on not one of them had I used a seperate conditioner from the shampoo. I had either used a good moisturizing shampoo or a shampoo and conditioner in 1.

I'm mostly saying this as a comment to other people in the so called "akward" stage- if you;re having trouble, if your hair isnt laying enough or is getting build up or is turning into a frizzball, why not try using a moisturizing shampoo or a 2-in-1. From my thick haired experience, I'm thinkin it may be much better.

Im gonna go grab some pert plus or something, I have gotten good results with that in the past

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