Posted by Jonathan on November 04, 2003 at 10:08:33: Previous Next

I first started growing my hair as of september of last year. My goal was to make it long enuff until i had a sort of antonio baderas pony tail. First let me tell you a litle about my hair.My hair is curly and extremely frizzy and wavy. Anyways, after about 4 months of growing it, i decided to make an undercut.I did and all seemed well until about 3 month ago where i did a FULL UNDERCUT meaning they cut the sides and the whole back of your hair until the line that seperated your front head and back. It was a benefit for me because i could do a pony tail that is very high on my haid,exactly on the line that seperates the front and the back. I figured that when the hair growes aventually i would be abble to "lower the pony tail". Later i found out that i was wrong.No matter how long my opper hair becomes it is impossible to lower the pony because it has no hair in the back to grab on to.

The question: I read a post here that said that i could lower my pony tail withouth growing the sides.The guy who posted the post said that his freind haas the sides completely shaved and has the back hair grow to make a pony tail. He growes the hair till where he wants the pony tail to go down to.

Any thoughts?


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