Loveable Biggots

Loveable Biggots
Posted by Sorted on November 11, 2003 at 13:04:37: Previous Next

Recently and old friend has come out on holiday to my area. His name is Michael and he's a retired Chief-Super in the Metropolitan Police in his late 60's, now I've known this guy since I was about 12, and we've always been pretty close - I think I kinda saw him as a surogate grandfather as a kid.

In recent years I've come to realise that whilst he means no harm, he has strong and prejudical views on certain "Groups" of people within Society. EG: He thinks homosexaulity is wrong, though he's prepared to accept that individuals may prefer it. However he'd disown his son if he'd turned out to be gay. Similiarly he whilst he has many Black friends he wouldn't approve of his daughter marrying a black man. ??!!??!!??!?!?!

Long Hair, appears to be another one of his other little prejudices. He can't honestly understand why a "nice young man like me" would want to have long hair. Inspite of my efforts to explain to him that its only my hair that is changing and not my nature, I can see his genuine confusion over this matter. (He thinks I'm going to become a yob!)

Now this is a well educated man and formerly a very senior policeman in Britains Top Police force, and he really is a nice guy. He just has biggoted views that have been impressed upon him throughout his live.

Whilst I deplore his opinions, particularly on Homosexuality and Race, I can't bring myself to dislike this man, he's just a "loveable biggot" it seems such a contradiction in terms.

Does anyone else wrestle with similiar feelings about close friends? If so how do you deal with them?

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