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Posted by Amphibman on November 15, 2003 at 12:34:01: Previous Next

Hey gang. Me again; 48/teacher/14months growth. My last post had to do with a rude coworker who made a crack about my (new) ponytail and my (poor) role model to the students. By coincidence, a month later the local paper did an article about men in elementary education. I was on the front page of the local Sunday paper; the first line read, "It's not just the ponytail that sets him apart..." Can you believe that! Other things about me were mentioned of course, but my hair got top billing. It was a good article. I was proud and got a lot of recognition from friends and strangers alike. As has been discussed here, our hair does (in some ways) define us and in other ways is only a small part of who we really are. But,I hope that article opened some people's eyes to the fact that there are men with long hair in all walks of life and in all professions. It's that simple.
P.S. If I'm lucky, some fine woman who likes longhairs may have read it and be looking for me as I write this!!!

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