Hey Everyone

Hey Everyone
Posted by Joe on November 19, 2003 at 22:11:10: Previous Next

Hey guys,

I just wanted to introduce myself, My name is joe and right now im a shorthair. Im not new to this board actully i have been viewing it for about 5 months now i think and i have become fimilar with the people who post here i just havnt posted anything myself. My goal is to grow my hair out shoulderblade length with 1 trim if even neccesary . My last haircut was november 5th 03 and now its about 1 inch witch is not the greatest. So now when i post you guys will know who i am. I think this board is the greatest and i think i would be tottaly lost without it. its much more than an faq because you get real peoples opinions . Ill try to post up some pics in the future too. I just had a question for anyone who has longhair right now. I think the hardest part of growing out my hair will be me being to anxious and excited and it will seem like forever untill its long. How did u guys if at all overcome that? Thanks alot..


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