Haircut anxiety!
Posted by Mr. Treehugga on November 23, 2003 at 17:04:39: Previous Next
I have been growing my hair for about ten months and it is now down to my shoulders. The dreaded day has come for me to get my haircut and it is freaking me out! Especially since I have never once gotten a good haircut in my life. the lady holding the scissors does not know how much power she really has and how much she could destroy me with one wrong snip! Any comments or stories or advice would help!
P.S god damn I am scared!
Re: Haircut anxiety!
Posted by Clarko on November 23, 2003 at 17:10:26: Previous Next
In Reply to: Haircut anxiety! posted by Mr. Treehugga on November 23, 2003 at 17:04:39:
why are you getting it cut?
Re: Haircut anxiety!
Posted by Sorted on November 24, 2003 at 13:25:49: Previous Next
In Reply to: Haircut anxiety! posted by Mr. Treehugga on November 23, 2003 at 17:04:39:
I know what you mean - I have similiar anxiety about getting a hair cut. Best advice I can offer is to have about a 5 minute chat with the stylist before you begin.
Explain to her that you've been growing you hair for over a year (I know its 10 months, but you exageratte.) She'll give you a little lecture about trimming every 3 months to avoid split ends. If you've taken good care of your hair you'll be able to show her that you dont actually have any... or that they haven't traveled up the hair shaft. Tell her about your goals, it sometimes helps to border on the acceptable, then no prejudices creep in. For example, don't tell her you want butt length hair just yet, tell her your aiming for shoulder blade length. (Worry about how you move on from there next year!)
Learn hairdressing Jargon, and get familiar with techniques, that way you won't misunderstand her when she asks you about layers or feathering the ends and stuff like that.
Whatever you do don't let her start cutting until you've had a good chat and she knows exactly what you want. Tell her that your nervous about this an emphasises the time you've spent getting this far and how you don't want to have a miscommunication and loose what you've worked so hard for. Be very explicit about what you want. And remember that a hairdressers inch is often nearer two, you could mention this as a joke to lighten the mood.
Most Hairdressers work in front of a mirror so if your worried ask her to show you how much she's cutting and ask her tell you about what she's doing. If you do this right it can sound more like you are interested in their work, than paranoid they will do it wrong.
Dont sit silently in the chair, its probably the worst thing you can do.
Re: Haircut anxiety!
Posted by Glad2bhair on November 25, 2003 at 02:19:46: Previous Next
In Reply to: Haircut anxiety! posted by Mr. Treehugga on November 23, 2003 at 17:04:39:
: I have been growing my hair for about ten months and it is now down to my shoulders. The dreaded day has come for me to get my haircut and it is freaking me out! Especially since I have never once gotten a good haircut in my life. the lady holding the scissors does not know how much power she really has and how much she could destroy me with one wrong snip! Any comments or stories or advice would help!
: P.S god damn I am scared!
A: Go to a highly reputable stylist, --- which will cost more$, but VERY worth it! I go to a guy that a woman friend of mine(who has butt-length hair) recommended, who has a reputation for sort-of specializing in long hair. I used to have the exact same anxiety; but now, NO MORE! In fact, I switched hair stylists after having cut my waist-lengyh hair 3 years ago (MY stupid fault; not my old stylists', really), because for the 9 years that I grew it long the 1st time, I always had to watch her like a hawk that she wouldn't cut away 2 or 3 inches, instead of just the 1 inch I asked for! Get someone who's on your side and is working WITH you, to ONLY trim the ends!! It's worth GOLD!!!