Scalp sensitivity?
Posted by Steve-o on November 25, 2003 at 20:06:39: Previous Next
I have discovered something specific to my head of hair that I'd like to hear some comments on. I've found that over the course of growing my hair (now 1/8 inch short of jaw/chin by the way :) ), the sensitivity of my scalp has lessened. I mean the pain you feel when your hair is pulled/tied tightly, or when your hair snags on a comb or something like that. At first, it would really hurt, but now I can put up with it, not that I do those things all the time, but when they do occasionally happen, they don't hurt as much. I'm sure it's something simple like how you get better at something the more you do it being the same as you get more used to the snagging the more it happens, but does anyone else notice the same thing? I first noticed a month or two ago when a girl tied 2 high pigtails for a girl, and then for me (we were messin around - lol I might even post some pics) and I was sitting there going "OW ow ow...ow..ow...OWWWW" and she was remarking how she used the same pressure for the girl (who didn't wince at all) as for me.
So anywayz after all that confusing text, my question is, does anyone else notice the sensitivity of their scalp lessening as their hair grows longer? I'm sure once it hits a certain length it will remain the same, but another question for those of you who have gone from short -> long -> short, when you grow your hair out the second time, do you go through the same process or does it retain its lowered sensitivity from before?
Just curious.
- Steve-o
Re: Scalp sensitivity?
Posted by Absalom on November 26, 2003 at 03:19:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: Scalp sensitivity? posted by Steve-o on November 25, 2003 at 20:06:39:
: I have discovered something specific to my head of hair that I'd like to hear some comments on. I've found that over the course of growing my hair (now 1/8 inch short of jaw/chin by the way :) ), the sensitivity of my scalp has lessened. I mean the pain you feel when your hair is pulled/tied tightly, or when your hair snags on a comb or something like that. At first, it would really hurt, but now I can put up with it, not that I do those things all the time, but when they do occasionally happen, they don't hurt as much. I'm sure it's something simple like how you get better at something the more you do it being the same as you get more used to the snagging the more it happens, but does anyone else notice the same thing? I first noticed a month or two ago when a girl tied 2 high pigtails for a girl, and then for me (we were messin around - lol I might even post some pics) and I was sitting there going "OW ow ow...ow..ow...OWWWW" and she was remarking how she used the same pressure for the girl (who didn't wince at all) as for me.
: So anywayz after all that confusing text, my question is, does anyone else notice the sensitivity of their scalp lessening as their hair grows longer? I'm sure once it hits a certain length it will remain the same, but another question for those of you who have gone from short -> long -> short, when you grow your hair out the second time, do you go through the same process or does it retain its lowered sensitivity from before?
: Just curious.
: - Steve-o
My guess is that the increasing weight of your growing hair gently tugging on your scalp may have a tendency to de-sensitize it over time. Your scalp probably is slowly adapting to the increasing tension on it. I am unsure on your final question because I do not plan to cut mine ever again. Absalom
Re: Scalp sensitivity?
Posted by ColdFlu on November 26, 2003 at 07:35:12: Previous Next
In Reply to: Scalp sensitivity? posted by Steve-o on November 25, 2003 at 20:06:39:
My scalp is sensitive to every pull -n- tug. It hurts more now than when I had short hair, probably because my hair was never long enough to be tugged then :)