10 months = 7.3 inches! :-P
Posted by ghosts_cloak on December 02, 2003 at 17:06:54: Previous Next
Hiya guys I havent posted for a while but as always I have been lurking. Today in maths a guy I know pulled a hair out of my head.. eek! But after reprimanding him I got a ruler out and measured it and it was a whopping 7.3 inches long! I have been growing my hair since february so thats not bad progress. My bangs come down to my top lip (i can just get the tips in my mouth.. dont worry i dont actually do this regularly!)
I had a small trim the other week to tidy things up and I was happy with what the stylist did, and feel it is better to do this than to persevere for 2 years then have 6 inches chopped off the back and sides, as I want my hair all the same length from the top , shoulder to mid-back length is my current aim.
How long till I can get a decent half tail? My hair is thick and a bit wavey if that helps. I tried a half tail a month or more ago and it looked rediculous!
ps: what are your opinions on hair bands? I wear mine in the house but wouldnt dare to go out in it!
Too funny!!
Posted by FITMUS on December 02, 2003 at 17:33:34: Previous Next
In Reply to: 10 months = 7.3 inches! :-P posted by ghosts_cloak on December 02, 2003 at 17:06:54:
Hi GC,
That was funny when I read your post about wearing the hair bands in the house only! I actually even where BUTTERFLY clips in the house!! Screw it, right?! If it helps manage the hair during this growing out process, I say go for it!!
As far as the half-tail, I'm at about 9 inches and I can't even get a half-way decent half-tail yet. This might sound funny, but I think one's head shape and size have a part in this. So, I guess if your head is like mine, I don't think I'll be able to get my hair into a half-tail for another few months. Oh well...
Great growth progress, BTW. With that kind of progress, you'll be there in no time!
Re: Too funny!!
Posted by Ghosts_cloak on December 03, 2003 at 05:33:41: Previous Next
In Reply to: Too funny!! posted by FITMUS on December 02, 2003 at 17:33:34:
Hullo and thanks..
9 inches... cool! Ill post some progress pictures soon if I can lend my grandads digital camera. And yes I think maybe I have a large head to.. so maybe itll be a few months before the half tail!
Good luck with the growin' ...
Re: Too funny!!
Posted by Ghosts_cloak on December 03, 2003 at 05:33:51: Previous Next
In Reply to: Too funny!! posted by FITMUS on December 02, 2003 at 17:33:34:
Hullo and thanks..
9 inches... cool! Ill post some progress pictures soon if I can lend my grandads digital camera. And yes I think maybe I have a large head to.. so maybe itll be a few months before the half tail!
Good luck with the growin' ...