fitness regimen
Posted by Steven W on December 06, 2003 at 13:18:55: Previous Next
I was just wondering if any of you other longhairs have a regular fitness / exercise regimen you follow regularly. I've always gotten complements about being in shape, and a good physique seems to complement good hair!
As far as myself goes, I work out ususally 3 times a week. First, some stretching excersizes, then 20 minutes on the treadmill at a 7mph pace, 2 percent grade, then 20 minutes on a stationary bike. I then do some weight training. Bench press, military press, bicep curls, seated row, lateral pulldown, stomach crunches, squat lifts, and leg presses. I ususally do enough weight to get in 8 reps in 3 sets. I just added the weight training to my workouts, which have previously been mostly cardiovascular as I've always been a good runner, and ran track 10 years ago in high school. I guess it's working, as I approach 30, I am still carded at grocery stores and bars! I have managed to keep my waist at about 29 inches, with a chest 40 (makes finding clothing that fits real fun!)
Re: fitness regimen
Posted by Mark Ellott on December 06, 2003 at 14:16:14: Previous Next
In Reply to: fitness regimen posted by Steven W on December 06, 2003 at 13:18:55:
I hate working out - it smacks too much of gym classes at school (and the associated awful memories). I'd much rather go for a good long walk. Walking is good gentle exercise and avoids joint damage that can occur with running and is pleasant unlike the torture chambers found in a gym. Personal opinion of course - some folk like torture chambers ;-)
- school gym...agreed!
Posted by Steven W on December 06, 2003 at 14:58:06: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: fitness regimen posted by Mark Ellott on December 06, 2003 at 14:16:14:
I can definitely agree with you that school gym class was pretty bad. It seemed to be the jock's playground and way to ridicule their "lesser" classmates...from the picking sequence for teams to the "out of balance" teams. The gym classes at my school were usually just playing some kind of sports game. We never learned anything about properly using fitness equpment, or proper nutrition, or even how to achieve the fitness goals we wished to achieve. The only safety that was stressed at the high school gym class was to wear briefs or a jockstrap...nothing on proper form, etc
I had desires to be in shape, but didn't really have a lot of desire to joing the jock crowd at the gym till a friend down the hall in college dragged me over to the weight room at the school. I was Thinking I was going to be laughed at for being the scrawny kid in the weight room lifting unusually light sets. What I found was a great group of supportive guys that taught me how to achieve what I wanted, and do it safely without over-stressing joints and muscles, or making myself sore. I then took some fitness and nutrition classes at school, and eventually joined the track and swimming teams. College was a whole different experience. I have also found the same brotherhood at the local fitness center here that I got a college, we spot each other, and give each other confidence.
You oughta look into getting some home fitness gear if you don't want to go to a gym. A good treadmill or stationary bike, as well as weightlifting equipment can frequently be found used in the classifieds for good prices. I have bought a little bit of stuff for when I don't feel going out. The disadvante is that you don't have anyone to spot you...I've always felt safer excersizing with someone else around just in case I get hurt.
: I hate working out - it smacks too much of gym classes at school (and the associated awful memories). I'd much rather go for a good long walk. Walking is good gentle exercise and avoids joint damage that can occur with running and is pleasant unlike the torture chambers found in a gym. Personal opinion of course - some folk like torture chambers ;-)
Re: fitness regimen
Posted by Doomlord on December 06, 2003 at 14:35:15: Previous Next
In Reply to: fitness regimen posted by Steven W on December 06, 2003 at 13:18:55:
I agree, cuz it seems so common for a guy to have long hair and be out of shape or overweight(like the comic book guy on the simpsons) so when your in shape and have long hair you stand out more. I personally work out every other day, with 2 sets of 30 narrow pushups, 2 sets of 20 regular pushups with 20 pounds of weight on my back, and six sets of 50 sit ups with an extra 12 pounds for more resistance, and leg raises for the obliques. the workout I do I went putting together over a period of time, and it mainly focuses on the midsection, also since I do more reps per set it increases strength but not bulk. Ive managed to do this for over 2 years now and Ive never felt better in my life. As for my waist size, its 30 which is actually 2 inches less then when I was in high school.
: I was just wondering if any of you other longhairs have a regular fitness / exercise regimen you follow regularly. I've always gotten complements about being in shape, and a good physique seems to complement good hair!
: As far as myself goes, I work out ususally 3 times a week. First, some stretching excersizes, then 20 minutes on the treadmill at a 7mph pace, 2 percent grade, then 20 minutes on a stationary
Lack of personal discipline
Posted by Sorted on December 06, 2003 at 14:47:42: Previous Next
In Reply to: fitness regimen posted by Steven W on December 06, 2003 at 13:18:55:
I would work out and go to the Gym regularly, but I find it pretty dull and boring, so I wont do it alone... I normally start going twice or three times a year with a friend, but then as soon as they give it up, I normally follow as I dont have the self discipline to go at it myself.
I try and play football (soccer) at least once a week & I do a lot of walking as I dont have a drivers license. I used to cycle 40 miles a day too, but that was 5 years ago... need to get back into that... same with Martial arts... used to do Karate. I really regret not being able to carry that on when I moved out to this rock.
On the whole the Gym doesn't really appeal to me, I prefer the interesting stuff... You know - Sports rather than torture.
Re: fitness regimen
Posted by Absalom on December 06, 2003 at 19:02:43: Previous Next
In Reply to: fitness regimen posted by Steven W on December 06, 2003 at 13:18:55:
: I was just wondering if any of you other longhairs have a regular fitness / exercise regimen you follow regularly. I've always gotten complements about being in shape, and a good physique seems to complement good hair!
: As far as myself goes, I work out ususally 3 times a week. First, some stretching excersizes, then 20 minutes on the treadmill at a 7mph pace, 2 percent grade, then 20 minutes on a stationary bike. I then do some weight training. Bench press, military press, bicep curls, seated row, lateral pulldown, stomach crunches, squat lifts, and leg presses. I ususally do enough weight to get in 8 reps in 3 sets. I just added the weight training to my workouts, which have previously been mostly cardiovascular as I've always been a good runner, and ran track 10 years ago in high school. I guess it's working, as I approach 30, I am still carded at grocery stores and bars! I have managed to keep my waist at about 29 inches, with a chest 40 (makes finding clothing that fits real fun!)
I ride a bicycle at a very fast pace 40 to 45 kilometers per day to stay fit. My hair which hangs way past my waist certainly turns heads when I am out riding. I do weight training, but carefully due to a genetic disorder that affects the structural integrity of my ligaments and joints. Suprisingly though I do have enough upper body strength to do 25 pullups in a row which is exceptional for a 50 year old.
Re: fitness regimen
Posted by Steve Smith on December 06, 2003 at 19:53:34: Previous Next
In Reply to: fitness regimen posted by Steven W on December 06, 2003 at 13:18:55:
I also train with simple exercices that doesnt require any equipment (like push-ups, crunches, and stuff like that). I think it is very useful. For some reason, I believe that training stimulates the production of testosterone in the body.
Also, training in a gym is very fun. The reason I dont go in a gym now is because it costs too much money. But what is fun in gyms is that you can meet all sorts of people. Also, there are always a bunch of VERY SEXY girls who like training. There are good chances they will talk to you.
Re: fitness regimen
Posted by Bill on December 06, 2003 at 20:56:30: Previous Next
In Reply to: fitness regimen posted by Steven W on December 06, 2003 at 13:18:55:
: I was just wondering if any of you other longhairs have a regular fitness / exercise regimen you follow regularly. I've always gotten complements about being in shape, and a good physique seems to complement good hair!
I hike a lot. Hiking works for me better than other stuff because for me hiking is not boring. I'll walk 20 miles (32 km) in a typical week, including several trips up to the top of a 600 foot (180 m) hill near my house. Add 45 minutes a few days a week of stretching calisthenics, and that's my regimen.
As for whether this is good for my hair or not, I do not know, but I know it's good for my body. My hair is very sunbleached since I am outside so much. My natural color is near to black, but no one when they look at me sees black. The top of my head is graying a bit, the sides are brown, and the longest strands are mostly blond!
When I went for my drivers' license renewal recently, I asked the lady what I should put down for my hair color. It says black now, and I showed her how my hair is black underneath where it gets no sun, but pointed out it is now gray, brown, and blond. She said they could only put one color, so I told her to put whatever she thought. She said, "Let's leave it black!" I chuckled to myself, thinking that was typical of the state, to put the one color no one will ever see. :-)
Re: fitness regimen
Posted by Tim B on December 12, 2003 at 20:40:47: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: fitness regimen posted by Bill on December 06, 2003 at 20:56:30:
: When I went for my drivers' license renewal recently, I asked the lady what I should put down for my hair color. It says black now, and I showed her how my hair is black underneath where it gets no sun, but pointed out it is now gray, brown, and blond. She said they could only put one color, so I told her to put whatever she thought. She said, "Let's leave it black!" I chuckled to myself, thinking that was typical of the state, to put the one color no one will ever see. :-)
I'd think they would say "salt and pepper" or S&P as one color when there is a combination of light hair and dark hairs.
Re: fitness regimen
Posted by zombie on December 06, 2003 at 21:54:06: Previous Next
In Reply to: fitness regimen posted by Steven W on December 06, 2003 at 13:18:55:
my hobby is bodybuilding... have a home gym with over 500# of weight.. lift 3 or 4 times per week- training different muscle groups in a 4 day split.
i think an exercise program is a good idea regardless of hair length.
Re: fitness regimen
Posted by scaredresser on December 06, 2003 at 22:52:11: Previous Next
In Reply to: fitness regimen posted by Steven W on December 06, 2003 at 13:18:55:
I always start my day with a 20 minute mini session of yoga and stretching. Then I walk and bike everywhere I have to go. Sometime during the day or evening I will find 2 - 3 hrs everyday with a combination of yoga, pilates and the Swiss ball. I have been going at this pace for just over a year and the results are astonishing. Works very well with the long hair indeed. No bulk, just long lean muscle and the flattest stomach around!
Re: fitness regimen
Posted by Jim from NM on December 09, 2003 at 11:09:14: Previous Next
In Reply to: fitness regimen posted by Steven W on December 06, 2003 at 13:18:55:
Yes, I do. I am 32, and nobody thinks I look much less, though I am in good shape. I work out with weights about 4 times per week, with a split program upper/lower body. I have an exercise room in my house. I also go to water aerobics with my wife 2-3 times per week and bike/walk the dogs almost every day.
As for your exercise regimen, I would recommend that you start with the weights, and finish with the aerobics, rather than the other way around. This is more effective at buring off fat as your blood sugar levels will be more depleted after the weight training, forcing your body to use up its fat stores. However, if you have a 29 inch waist, it sounds like you don't have to worry about such issues. There is no way I could have a 29 inch waist unless I was dead! At 6'3 and 220 pounds, I think my 35 inch waist and 45 inch chest isn't so bad.
Re: fitness regimen
Posted by Big Bob on December 14, 2003 at 21:44:11: Previous Next
In Reply to: fitness regimen posted by Steven W on December 06, 2003 at 13:18:55:
Bah! Why work so hard at getting into shape? Round is a shape.
Actually, I've been wanting to get started on some weight training but I have a bad shoulder. I'm too young to be this dang old! (sigh)
Re: fitness regimen
Posted by fitness on December 26, 2003 at 23:47:59: Previous Next
In Reply to: fitness regimen posted by Steven W on December 06, 2003 at 13:18:55:
: I was just wondering if any of you other longhairs have a regular fitness / exercise regimen you follow regularly. I've always gotten complements about being in shape, and a good physique seems to complement good hair!
: As far as myself goes, I work out ususally 3 times a week. First, some stretching excersizes, then 20 minutes on the treadmill at a 7mph pace, 2 percent grade, then 20 minutes on a stationary bike. I then do some weight training. Bench press, military press, bicep curls, seated row, lateral pulldown, stomach crunches, squat lifts, and leg presses. I ususally do enough weight to get in 8 reps in 3 sets. I just added the weight training to my workouts, which have previously been mostly cardiovascular as I've always been a good runner, and ran track 10 years ago in high school. I guess it's working, as I approach 30, I am still carded at grocery stores and bars! I have managed to keep my waist at about 29 inches, with a chest 40 (makes finding clothing that fits real fun!)