fitness regimen

fitness regimen
Posted by Steven W on December 06, 2003 at 13:18:55: Previous Next

I was just wondering if any of you other longhairs have a regular fitness / exercise regimen you follow regularly. I've always gotten complements about being in shape, and a good physique seems to complement good hair!

As far as myself goes, I work out ususally 3 times a week. First, some stretching excersizes, then 20 minutes on the treadmill at a 7mph pace, 2 percent grade, then 20 minutes on a stationary bike. I then do some weight training. Bench press, military press, bicep curls, seated row, lateral pulldown, stomach crunches, squat lifts, and leg presses. I ususally do enough weight to get in 8 reps in 3 sets. I just added the weight training to my workouts, which have previously been mostly cardiovascular as I've always been a good runner, and ran track 10 years ago in high school. I guess it's working, as I approach 30, I am still carded at grocery stores and bars! I have managed to keep my waist at about 29 inches, with a chest 40 (makes finding clothing that fits real fun!)

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