Freedom to wear Long Hair

Freedom to wear Long Hair
Posted by Bob on December 26, 2003 at 23:18:56: Previous Next

Hi Gang,

New here, just playing with my search engine and found this site. I'm from New Jersey - USA

I have worn my hair to my shoulders since the 1960's - and wear it a bit past the shoulders today. I did/do it not to be a rebel just cause I want to. Many in society are robots - men must wear short hair, women must wear long, we must eat ..., we must .... WHO SAYS ??

Do what you damn please !! it seems males have a complex problem towards men with long hair - must they prove they are macho with short hair ? I don't need to prove anything but - it needed I can kick a@@ - 33 years of martial arts - so anybody thing I'm feminine ..
I remember in the old days men would say - women wear long hair, I would shoot back - was Jesus, George Washington, Einstein women ?? they shut up fast !!

I'm a computer professional, wear my hair clean/neat and never hear any crap. Today things are not as bad as 35-40 years ago. Hell, I have tattoos and ride Harley Davidsons - years ago it was the same - alot of ignorance - much different today.

Keep you head up, hair long and have pride in your believe.


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