Flips etc...

Flips etc...
Posted by MeB on December 11, 2003 at 15:34:55: Previous Next

I know this has been asked about before, but here goes... I had some really nasty flips in the front and rear of my hair when it had reached about 6 inches in length, in my mind the awnser was simple get them cut out. I did this and of course lost about half my length, the one in the rear although not gone is almost invisible now. But the front on either side of my (center) parting have gone haywire they no longer flip every day but curl up into my eyes one day, turn into ringlets the next etc... Does anyone have a method to keep them in control? I have tried a flat iron and although it works the result doesn't last all day. By the end of the working day I look and feel like an idiot, and they are making me paranoid.
Is this just the dredded awkward stage or a hair crisis? I am grateful in advance for any advice you long haired guru's can offer me.

(Just as a side note to this: I grew my hair to past shoulder length when I was a tad younger and it was dead straight so a reason for these flips would also be of interest).


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