split end
Posted by indrajeet singh on December 25, 2003 at 12:43:40: Previous Next
i have a long hair down to my knees and i keep it under my turban during work but in house i keep it loose or in braids. ibrush my hairs regularly my wife applies hairoil at regular interval and i washmy hair with pantene shampoo and after washing i use pantene conditioner. But now receently i have split end problem and i have to cut a few inches so please help me so that this problem can be solved and i dont have to trim my hair as it is prohibited in our religio as i am a sikh.
Re: split end
Posted by Sorted on December 26, 2003 at 08:51:34: Previous Next
In Reply to: split end posted by indrajeet singh on December 25, 2003 at 12:43:40:
I think once ends are split, then they cannot be repaired, you have to either cut them or wait for them to break off.
Some people on the board, I'm thinking of Bill in particular, have commented that if you just leave them, then nothing really bad happens. So you might be content with that.
But if your getting a friz problem as a result or you dont like the look, then I'm afraid that your going to have to cut them. (Sorry)
But hey, I know a few sikhs, they all cut their hair, even though they all wear it long. But none of them have knee length hair... I think by getting that far, you've earnt a trim. ;-)
Re: split ends and religious practice
Posted by Hair Religion on December 26, 2003 at 15:22:20: Previous Next
In Reply to: split end posted by indrajeet singh on December 25, 2003 at 12:43:40:
Religion isn't always very practical. You may have to weigh the situation and make your own decision that best for you. Long hair eventually needs to be trimmed to stay healthy, it's just a fact.
A little bit down the board I mentioned that I'd like to know a bit more about this "rule" but the poster didn't respond. Maybe you could read it and respond for him if you know more.