Washing hair

Washing hair
Posted by Peter on January 05, 2004 at 14:21:46: Previous Next

As I understand, it's best to wash hair once only (as opposed to washing, rinsing and washing a second time), and that it's best to use a conditioner. So far so good, and I must say, that conditioner is great! Wish I had "discovered" it before.

Now, I also understand that it's best to wash hair only once or twice a week. Other times, using cool or warm water only and towel dry it.

***Does this mean that we should only wash hair 3-4 times per week (one or two of those days with shampoo & conditioner). I usually take a shower every morning after working out, so do I need to try to keep water off my hair when showering for half the week? Or is it ok to just wash it in plain water most days? I know it takes long to dry, I'm noticing that already, but I really think I need to at least wash it after working out eash day, it's usually dripping with sweat.

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