Curly hair, when to comb it?

Curly hair, when to comb it?
Posted by Crusader on January 05, 2004 at 22:37:28: Previous Next

Hi guys, my hair is getting quite long now (about one foot, 30 cm) but I have a problem. Every time I comb my hair, I have knots and it is generally very hard for me to do it. I wash y hair every three days, so I shampoo (Aussie Moist) it and then condition it (and I do put a lot of conditioner, and I've tried different ones as well). Every third time I use Nizoral instead of Aussie Moist. Now, my problem is when to comb my hair, when it't wet, just after I come out of the shower or when it gets dry (overnight, I wash it in the evenings)...

So, curly hair guys, when do you comb your hair?
Oh yes, my hair is not extremely curly, and not too thick either, but enough to make a bunch of knots. This is an old picture, but it will do (just for you to see the type of my hair):

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