Curly hair, when to comb it?
Posted by Crusader on January 05, 2004 at 22:37:28: Previous Next
Hi guys, my hair is getting quite long now (about one foot, 30 cm) but I have a problem. Every time I comb my hair, I have knots and it is generally very hard for me to do it. I wash y hair every three days, so I shampoo (Aussie Moist) it and then condition it (and I do put a lot of conditioner, and I've tried different ones as well). Every third time I use Nizoral instead of Aussie Moist. Now, my problem is when to comb my hair, when it't wet, just after I come out of the shower or when it gets dry (overnight, I wash it in the evenings)...
So, curly hair guys, when do you comb your hair?
Oh yes, my hair is not extremely curly, and not too thick either, but enough to make a bunch of knots. This is an old picture, but it will do (just for you to see the type of my hair):
Re: Curly hair, when to comb it?
Posted by Mary on January 06, 2004 at 07:36:20: Previous Next
In Reply to: Curly hair, when to comb it? posted by Crusader on January 05, 2004 at 22:37:28:
Try combing in the shower with your hair saturated with conditioner. This works for me. Then don't rub at your hair when you rinse or towel dry, just squeeze and blot, try not to let it re-tangle, then carefully work any styling product in and let air dry. Don't comb or brush it after it is dry, this just makes curly hair go frizzy.
Re: Curly hair, when to comb it?
Posted by baldie the eagle on January 06, 2004 at 10:54:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: Curly hair, when to comb it? posted by Crusader on January 05, 2004 at 22:37:28:
I never use a comb. I have wavy to curly hair, and find that all combs do damage. I use a brush, very carefully, and only when necessary.
If you look at some of the hair care tips on the website, you can minimise knotting caused during washing etc. Well worth a look. The advice is aimed mainly at women, but most of it applies to male longhairs as well.
Re: Curly hair, when to comb it?
Posted by Reflective on January 06, 2004 at 15:38:37: Previous Next
In Reply to: Curly hair, when to comb it? posted by Crusader on January 05, 2004 at 22:37:28:
What works real well for me is this;
I wash my mid-back length curly hair twice per week. I used to use Aussie Moist. But, since they have changed their formulation, I've switched to Vive Smooth Intense shampoo, It's great. Then I condition with Vive Smooth Intense Conditioner. I gently work it through, paying special attention to the ends. I leave it in a good long time, at least 5 minutes. Then I rinse it out with COOL water. This is important as the cool water encourages the cuticle to lay flat and thus minimize tangles.
I only blot it try, no rubbing or touseling with the towel. Tnen I spray in some leave in conditioner. Infusium23 works real well.
I brush it starting at the very ends. I use a wide flat paddle brush with widely spaced teeth. Very gently and gradually I work my way up. When I'm about half way up, I bend forward and brush 'upside down' until I have gone all through my hair.
Next, I work in a fair amoung of alcohol free gel, Dep level 8, and brush it all through. This really helps to control the frizz and flyaways and gives great definition to the curl. Finally, I stand fully upright and brush it all back and put it into a braid, then I go to sleep. In the morning it is usually just damp and ready for styling. If I don't feel like doing anything with it that day, I just leave it in the braid. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL I BRUSH IT AGAIN UNTIL THE NEXT TIME THAT I WASH IT. Brushing it when it is dry just makes it knotty, frizzy and horrible.
Re: Curly hair, when to comb it?
Posted by Erin on January 06, 2004 at 15:41:14: Previous Next
In Reply to: Curly hair, when to comb it? posted by Crusader on January 05, 2004 at 22:37:28:
(I'm a girl, but one with long curly hair)
I comb my hair when it's wet, even though everyone says not to. It's impossible to do (for me) when dry, and I have to comb it somehow, so... *shrugs*
Re: Curly hair, when to comb it?
Posted by Redleader on January 06, 2004 at 17:54:37: Previous Next
In Reply to: Curly hair, when to comb it? posted by Crusader on January 05, 2004 at 22:37:28:
I fingercomb my curly hair. It has been over a year since a brush/comb has touched my hair.
Re: Curly hair, when to comb it?
Posted by Crusader on January 07, 2004 at 00:20:33: Previous Next
In Reply to: Curly hair, when to comb it? posted by Crusader on January 05, 2004 at 22:37:28:
Thank you very much for your feedback!
Today, after shampooing and conditioning, I sprayed myself with that Aussie leave in conditioner and combed it while it's wet, and it looks good, I even have more curls. The only thing is that the hair has less volume this way, but oh well...
I use some kind of comb, I don't know how to descrie it, widely spaced out spikes. It seems good for curly hair.