Hi & Thanks!

Hi & Thanks!
Posted by Trevor on January 13, 2004 at 16:21:21: Previous Next

I've never posted here, however I do frequent this board and read alot of the postings.

On the arrival of 1yr anniversary of my last haircut, I thought I should at least say HI and thanks to all you great folks. As well as share some of my experiences over the last year.

I have thick curly red hair, and as can relate to others descriptions, the first 6months were probably the WORST. My hair grew straight up, and nothing at all seemed to help. Then I saw someone mention not washing your hair every day. (when you have short hair (mil type cut), this isn't ever an issue). So now I wash 1-2times a week, and that surely is a difference, and in between washes I use conditioner. I also found some stuff called "StyleFX" Straightener / defrizzer or something like that. It's pink and sorta smells like bubblegum, but I NEEDED something for a family event a short time ago, and I had no clue what to get so I tried it. And it's worked halfway descent.

I also have the luxury of being able to wear a hat at work, and I have yet to get horrible "hat head". Actually, in some cases, after about mid day, I can take my hat off, and my hair actually behaves. Usually NOT on the day I wash it however no matter how much of that bubblegum smelling junk I put in it ;)

Now my hair is about 6.5 inches long, and it surely seems manageability is coming slowly. I can even pull a small pony tail back, which, sort of alarmed my boss the other day, when he came in and was shocked, thinking I had gone and gotten a haircut. Everyone at work knows I have joined barbershops anonymous. It was one of the worst addictions of my life.

Now that I've got this much longer hair, it is such a great feeling to run into people that I haven't seen in a year or more, and they are so surprised at my newfound look.

Anyway, I've rambled enough for one posting. I'll close in saying that I use the citre-shine shampoo and conditioner, and that stylefx bubblegum smellin goo. THAT'S IT!!! Thanks to earlier postings on here, I have abstained from purchasing any kind of chemical type straighteners, or irons.

Again, THANKS to everyone, and once my homepage URL gets fixed, I'll post a couple of links for "then" and "now" pics.

-Trevor (Wilmington, NC)

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