DON'T cut your hair

DON'T cut your hair
Posted by CaliWaveRider on February 03, 2004 at 21:42:27: Previous Next

I regretted so much since I got my hair cut
and now i am just thinking how stupid I was to get that hair cut, because I completely wasted the past 4 months to grow my hair out.. The sole reason that i got my hair chopped is because one day me and my friends were hanging out at this bar in Hollywood, and when we were walking out, this garbage looking punk kid yelled at me "hey look, bruce lee is here.." I was shocked and speechless, but I couldn't say anything, because yes, my hair did look like bruce lee on that night, cuz I was going through this awkward stage and i was so freaking tired of wearing a baseball cap to everywhere I go. My self esteem was so low that I didn't wanna go anywhere in the next three days..and one day i woke up and decided to get my hair time i thought maybe i could "fit in" more if my hair was short and spiky. So i went to the salon for not just a hair cut, but also I bleached it. Now i have this short spiky and blond hair..even though some of my friends really like the way i look, i just don't like it...I dont see myself in short hair..i want my long hair back... I am so happy to find this message's a great source for supports and tips...
so for those of you who are having doubts to cut your hair, my advice is to think it twice before you make any moves...especially for someone who's impatient like me, 4 months is a long time... guess i just have to swallow the painful result...

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