DON'T cut your hair
Posted by CaliWaveRider on February 03, 2004 at 21:42:27: Previous Next
I regretted so much since I got my hair cut
and now i am just thinking how stupid I was to get that hair cut, because I completely wasted the past 4 months to grow my hair out.. The sole reason that i got my hair chopped is because one day me and my friends were hanging out at this bar in Hollywood, and when we were walking out, this garbage looking punk kid yelled at me "hey look, bruce lee is here.." I was shocked and speechless, but I couldn't say anything, because yes, my hair did look like bruce lee on that night, cuz I was going through this awkward stage and i was so freaking tired of wearing a baseball cap to everywhere I go. My self esteem was so low that I didn't wanna go anywhere in the next three days..and one day i woke up and decided to get my hair time i thought maybe i could "fit in" more if my hair was short and spiky. So i went to the salon for not just a hair cut, but also I bleached it. Now i have this short spiky and blond hair..even though some of my friends really like the way i look, i just don't like it...I dont see myself in short hair..i want my long hair back... I am so happy to find this message's a great source for supports and tips...
so for those of you who are having doubts to cut your hair, my advice is to think it twice before you make any moves...especially for someone who's impatient like me, 4 months is a long time... guess i just have to swallow the painful result...
bad call but...
Posted by giacco on February 03, 2004 at 22:33:51: Previous Next
In Reply to: DON'T cut your hair posted by CaliWaveRider on February 03, 2004 at 21:42:27:
4 months is not a lot. most of us consider 18 months makes long hair
Re: bad call but...
Posted by CaliWaveRider on February 03, 2004 at 22:44:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: bad call but... posted by giacco on February 03, 2004 at 22:33:51:
: 4 months is not a lot. most of us consider 18 months makes long hair
4 months is a long time for someone who's impatient like me, at least i will start it over again...
Re: bad call but...
Posted by drek on February 03, 2004 at 23:39:30: Previous Next
In Reply to: bad call but... posted by giacco on February 03, 2004 at 22:33:51:
: 4 months is not a lot. most of us consider 18 months makes long hair
well 4 months is still a few inches, and if you are really trying to grow it long 4 months is 1/3 a year :P Cutting your hair to 'fit in' isnt a good idea. I am the only person with long hair in my group of friends, but I fit in because of who I am, nothing else
Re: lol
Posted by Doomlord on February 03, 2004 at 23:53:40: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: bad call but... posted by drek on February 03, 2004 at 23:39:30:
If 4 months is a long time, then the time Ive spent growing my hair must be an eternity. Im guessing youre fairly young. And although it may seem like it'll take forever to grow back out, you just have to trust us, the time will go by quicker than you think. Then youll be wanting time to slow back down but it only goes faster, lets face it, we'll all be dead soon... So whats 4 months?
: : 4 months is not a lot. most of us consider 18 months makes long hair
: well 4 months is still a few inches, and if you are really trying to grow it long 4 months is 1/3 a year :P Cutting your hair to 'fit in' isnt a good idea. I am the only person with long hair in my group of friends, but I fit in because of who I am, nothing else
Re: lol
Posted by drekk on February 04, 2004 at 01:08:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: lol posted by Doomlord on February 03, 2004 at 23:53:40:
I've been growing my hair out for about 26 months, and I cherish every one of them in terms of length. Is that so wrong? :)
: If 4 months is a long time, then the time Ive spent growing my hair must be an eternity. Im guessing youre fairly young. And although it may seem like it'll take forever to grow back out, you just have to trust us, the time will go by quicker than you think. Then youll be wanting time to slow back down but it only goes faster, lets face it, we'll all be dead soon... So whats 4 months?
: : : 4 months is not a lot. most of us consider 18 months makes long hair
: : well 4 months is still a few inches, and if you are really trying to grow it long 4 months is 1/3 a year :P Cutting your hair to 'fit in' isnt a good idea. I am the only person with long hair in my group of friends, but I fit in because of who I am, nothing else
Re: DON'T cut your hair
Posted by Big L on February 04, 2004 at 02:45:52: Previous Next
In Reply to: DON'T cut your hair posted by CaliWaveRider on February 03, 2004 at 21:42:27:
: me and my friends were hanging out at this bar in Hollywood,
I read this line and smiled. Some people lead very different lives to me !! A lot more glamorous than having a cuppa in a caff in Batley.
I agree with the sentiments of the other posts. If you want long hair - grow it! Learning not to be influenced by others is one of the key challenges in growing your hair. Many will try - make sure they don't succeed.
Re: DON'T cut your hair
Posted by Jim from NM on February 04, 2004 at 15:15:18: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: DON'T cut your hair posted by Big L on February 04, 2004 at 02:45:52:
: : me and my friends were hanging out at this bar in Hollywood,
: I read this line and smiled. Some people lead very different lives to me !! A lot more glamorous than having a cuppa in a caff in Batley.
You obviously haven't been to Hollywood -- it is not as glamorous as it sounds -- it is not a particularly nice part of LA. Not the same as what you expect from the movies.
Re: DON'T cut your hair
Posted by muse on February 04, 2004 at 04:56:42: Previous Next
In Reply to: DON'T cut your hair posted by CaliWaveRider on February 03, 2004 at 21:42:27:
hey theres nothing wrong with Bruce Lee!
Re: DON'T cut your hair
Posted by ahren on February 04, 2004 at 11:49:02: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: DON'T cut your hair posted by muse on February 04, 2004 at 04:56:42:
: hey theres nothing wrong with Bruce Lee!
: :)
Seriously, I would have taken it as a compliment. Let's face it, he was one of the biggest badasses there ever was.
haha, yea he was awesome
Posted by CaliWaveRider on February 04, 2004 at 15:07:44: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: DON'T cut your hair posted by muse on February 04, 2004 at 04:56:42:
: hey theres nothing wrong with Bruce Lee!
: :)
Posted by Sherri on February 06, 2004 at 19:48:55: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: DON'T cut your hair posted by muse on February 04, 2004 at 04:56:42:
I was gonna read all the comments first, then say the same thing. I'd have taken it as a compliment!
There are worse things than being called Bruce Lee! He was HOT! So was his son...*sob*
Re: DON'T cut your hair
Posted by JoNty on February 04, 2004 at 07:14:07: Previous Next
In Reply to: DON'T cut your hair posted by CaliWaveRider on February 03, 2004 at 21:42:27:
You live and learn. I used to get quite a few comments from the odd random arse hole in the street, but it isn't as bad now since I mostly walk with at least 5 other people with long hair.
If you still want long hair, all you've gotta do is have patience (I'm also an impatent person, but you've gotta have patience in this game) and take all shitty comments on the chin.
Things you could do to pass the time quicker is tick days off a calander and take pictures every month or so of your hair (preferably when dry and combed) for a progression site or something.
You are who you are.
Re: DON'T cut your hair
Posted by Jolie on February 04, 2004 at 07:56:34: Previous Next
In Reply to: DON'T cut your hair posted by CaliWaveRider on February 03, 2004 at 21:42:27:
I guess I don't need to tell you not to ever cut your hair because of someone else's opinion. You had to learn that the hard way. But now that you are growing your hair out again, you WILL STILL have people make comments about your hair. Just let it go in one ear and out the other. There are just people out there that do not like long hair. A lot of hairstylists don't like long hair either! I am female and I have people even ask me why I have long hair and why I want to grow my hair out long. It is strange how something so natural (growing hair) can be thought of as unnatural.
The only thing I can think of is that having short hair is easy, all it takes is a snip of the scissors and it's gone, long hair takes patience and willpower, and face it, we live in a world where this is almost nonexistant :)
Great insights..
Posted by CaliWaveRider on February 04, 2004 at 15:03:47: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: DON'T cut your hair posted by Jolie on February 04, 2004 at 07:56:34:
thanks Jolie...your words meant a lot to me since it's the opinion from an opposite sex.. we need more women who support guys to grow their hair long! :)
Beyond that...
Posted by Sherri on February 06, 2004 at 20:00:45: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: DON'T cut your hair posted by Jolie on February 04, 2004 at 07:56:34:
The rampage of comments about my "white/blonde" ends. I was a compulsive/obbsessive hair bleacher. I rode the wave of "isn't about time to touch up your hair" "about time for a trip to the salon, isn't it" "when will you be fixing your hair" "is that your natural hair color"....
I've gone through all of it, and about 4-6 months into it, no one has mentioned it. I guess everyone can now see that I have no intentions of dying my hair again.
I just shrugged everything off and said "I'm not doing it anymore."
But, I'm a flighty person who will just take a rude comment and ignore. Guess it comes with age. I really don't care what anyone thinks. I'm happy with me. If you don't like me, go away...cause if you stick around, we (as in YOU) may have a problem.
If I'm in my "sniper" mood, like having an incredibly bad day (replace day with week, or life as neccessary) when I just need one more thing to set me off, I may take a comment and run with it. Things are not pretty at that point.
: I guess I don't need to tell you not to ever cut your hair because of someone else's opinion. You had to learn that the hard way. But now that you are growing your hair out again, you WILL STILL have people make comments about your hair. Just let it go in one ear and out the other. There are just people out there that do not like long hair. A lot of hairstylists don't like long hair either! I am female and I have people even ask me why I have long hair and why I want to grow my hair out long. It is strange how something so natural (growing hair) can be thought of as unnatural.
: The only thing I can think of is that having short hair is easy, all it takes is a snip of the scissors and it's gone, long hair takes patience and willpower, and face it, we live in a world where this is almost nonexistant :)
Re: DON'T cut your hair
Posted by ahren on February 04, 2004 at 12:11:05: Previous Next
In Reply to: DON'T cut your hair posted by CaliWaveRider on February 03, 2004 at 21:42:27:
I think quite a few of us here tried before but ended up cutting it. I don't remember any names but I can tell you my story. I was more than twice what you were into it. I was at 9 months when this really great job opportunity came up. I wasn't as serious about growing my hair then, but I was none to happy about giveing it up either. Long story short, I cut my hair, I worked for 3 days, they fired me. I was now without hair OR a job. Well now that I've made that mistake it won't happen again. So don't feel to bad. Plenty of people have lost more than 4 months from a haircut and regretted it. Not that that makes you feel any better now I realize, but it puts things in perspective. I'm at 25 months now, and my advice is don't think about it so much. Your hair grows no matter how patient/impatient you are, so just let it be. People are going to be jackasses wether you have long hair or not, so just ignore them. The key is not to stress so much about these things. Just sit back and let it grow.
thanks for the support
Posted by CaliWaveRider on February 04, 2004 at 15:00:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: DON'T cut your hair posted by ahren on February 04, 2004 at 12:11:05:
thanks ahren, great tips..i will ignore those jackass's comments
Re: DON'T cut your hair
Posted by Jusin on February 04, 2004 at 12:30:27: Previous Next
In Reply to: DON'T cut your hair posted by CaliWaveRider on February 03, 2004 at 21:42:27:
: I regretted so much since I got my hair cut
Well, as painful as it is to you right now, a valuable lesson has been learned. Just be thankful it was only 4 months. What if it had been 4 years! It is indeed ever so rare that on this Hyperboard I read of guys writing in to REJOICE in the fact that they cut their hair very short. Most always it is your type of story. But please, don't beat yourself up over this episode. Now you will be all the wiser. Good Luck and let it grow................!!!!
thanks Justin
Posted by CaliWaveRider on February 04, 2004 at 14:59:16: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: DON'T cut your hair posted by Jusin on February 04, 2004 at 12:30:27:
i've made myself a promise that i will grow it out this time :-)
Re: thanks Justin
Posted by Justin on February 04, 2004 at 21:57:42: Previous Next
In Reply to: thanks Justin posted by CaliWaveRider on February 04, 2004 at 14:59:16:
: i've made myself a promise that i will grow it out this time :-)
Great! and...........if you suddenly waver in thought about getting it cut, ALWAYS give yourself the 2 week test to "think about it" before doing anything. Have you read the sensational writings of Bill Choisser? If not, these writings are a must. One thing for sure..........if you DO NOT DESIRE LONG HAIR in the future, the solution is extremely easy. Growing it out is another story as it takes so long! But, there is simply no other way to do it. Most often in life the worthwhile things to accomplish take time........but the rewards in the end cannot really be measured. Good Luck to you! :-)
Re: DON'T cut your hair
Posted by Cactus Jack on February 04, 2004 at 13:29:33: Previous Next
In Reply to: DON'T cut your hair posted by CaliWaveRider on February 03, 2004 at 21:42:27:
"this garbage looking punk kid yelled at me "hey look, bruce lee is here.." I was shocked and speechless, but I couldn't say anything, because yes, my hair did look like bruce lee on that night"
Whats wrong with looking like Bruce Lee? LOL
he was AWESOME and could legit clober anyone who messed with him
anyway this may not help but look at it this way, you made a mistake but it made you realize how much you wanted it
so start over and this time dont give in
i know it sounds like a long time but 4 months really isnt that long just try not to focus on it too much and let it happen naturally
Posted by CaliWaveRider on February 04, 2004 at 14:58:01: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: DON'T cut your hair posted by Cactus Jack on February 04, 2004 at 13:29:33:
Bruce Lee is AWESOME hehehe