Current ponytail attempt...

Current ponytail attempt...
Posted by Treyn on February 24, 2004 at 18:43:23: Previous Next

The pics below show the best I have ever been able to accomplish a low hung ponytail. Believe me though, with a little action, moving around and what-not, hair would be falling out of this tie. Mainly the hair from around front would be falling out anyway. The picture is a bit decieving in the fact that a lot of the upper to front hair is actually being held into place by the hair that is making it into the tie. One day soon I will have this defeated and all the hair will finally be secured in the tie with no problem. I will then be a major happy camper!
Thought I would share. Oh, and I plan on cleaning up the neck hair, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Peace!

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