When did guys start growing their hair?
Posted by Steve on February 29, 2004 at 21:08:23: Previous Next
I was under the impression that Long Hair was considered cool back in
the sixties and many guys started growing their hair, but this yearbook from 1969 tells a different story. the only photos of students with long hair are the girls!
Re: When did guys start growing their hair?
Posted by Nige on February 29, 2004 at 21:13:46: Previous Next
In Reply to: When did guys start growing their hair? posted by Steve on February 29, 2004 at 21:08:23:
Id say more so in the 70s and 80s.
Re: When did guys start growing their hair?
Posted by drek on February 29, 2004 at 21:27:14: Previous Next
In Reply to: When did guys start growing their hair? posted by Steve on February 29, 2004 at 21:08:23:
: I was under the impression that Long Hair was considered cool back in
: the sixties and many guys started growing their hair, but this yearbook from 1969 tells a different story. the only photos of students with long hair are the girls!
i'd have to guess since humans existed :D, i'd hate to base hair preference on 1 page of a yearbook :p
Re: When did guys start growing their hair?
Posted by Gollan on February 29, 2004 at 21:43:31: Previous Next
In Reply to: When did guys start growing their hair? posted by Steve on February 29, 2004 at 21:08:23:
Keep in mind that many high schools used to imposed dress, grooming, and morality codes. Long hair was more of a university thing in 1969. By 1972 long hair had reached into lower grades. In my class photo from that year everyone in my grade five class had a Beatles 'mop' cut (including me) and my yearbook has many photos of older students sporting collar-length hair. My private school had more liberal hair policies than public schools.
Depends where you look
Posted by Luckskind on February 29, 2004 at 21:46:14: Previous Next
In Reply to: When did guys start growing their hair? posted by Steve on February 29, 2004 at 21:08:23:
High schools, no doubt, still had fairly strict rules. More
Longhairs in the universities and other places.
Look at photos of WOODSTOCK from the same year (1969) and
you will see an etirely different picture!
Re: When did guys start growing their hair?
Posted by Absalom on February 29, 2004 at 23:30:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: When did guys start growing their hair? posted by Steve on February 29, 2004 at 21:08:23:
: I was under the impression that Long Hair was considered cool back in
: the sixties and many guys started growing their hair, but this yearbook from 1969 tells a different story. the only photos of students with long hair are the girls!
Long hair became popular at the end of the 1960,s but a few men had waist length and longer in the 1920,s and 1930,s. Check out the House of David baseball team. There is a photo of them on the web dated 1931 and most of them have hair waist length or longer. Absalom
Re: When did guys start growing their hair?
Posted by Absalom on February 29, 2004 at 23:39:46: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: When did guys start growing their hair? posted by Absalom on February 29, 2004 at 23:30:50:
: : I was under the impression that Long Hair was considered cool back in
: : the sixties and many guys started growing their hair, but this yearbook from 1969 tells a different story. the only photos of students with long hair are the girls!
: Long hair became popular at the end of the 1960,s but a few men had waist length and longer in the 1920,s and 1930,s. Check out the House of David baseball team. There is a photo of them on the web dated 1931 and most of them have hair waist length or longer. Absalom
Here is the URL for House of David baseball team. Absalom
Re: When did guys start growing their hair?
Posted by Mike on March 01, 2004 at 03:16:21: Previous Next
In Reply to: When did guys start growing their hair? posted by Steve on February 29, 2004 at 21:08:23:
Well, I'm sure neolithic man didn't have the means to CUT his hair!
If you're asking when it became *popular*, I'm afraid I could only respond very cordially with "Who cares?".
Re: large scale change is slow
Posted by Hair Religion on March 01, 2004 at 03:38:10: Previous Next
In Reply to: When did guys start growing their hair? posted by Steve on February 29, 2004 at 21:08:23:
Well, most of American was still "square" back in the 60's.
Kinda still are.
School age versus a bit older
Posted by Rokker on March 01, 2004 at 14:32:30: Previous Next
In Reply to: When did guys start growing their hair? posted by Steve on February 29, 2004 at 21:08:23:
: I was under the impression that Long Hair was considered cool back in
: the sixties and many guys started growing their hair, but this yearbook from 1969 tells a different story. the only photos of students with long hair are the girls!
Keep in mind that as conservative a country as we are today, we were MUCH MORE conservative back then. Schools has very strict codes when it came to boys hair and even facial hair. I'm willing to bet that no guy in that yearbook had any facial hair.
Now if you look to the older crowd, those past high school, you'll see that many, many men had longish to long hair. Colleges of the time were filled with longhairs, as colleges tend to be much more liberal.
It wasn't until the early 70s that K-12 schools began allowing long hair, and most usually after losing court cases that forced them to change their policies. I know when I was in high school in the late 70s practically every guy had hair that was at least somewhat long, if not really long. I had long hair throughout high school, and I don't remember hanging out with anyone who didn't.
The 60s was when everything started. By the late 60s things were changing. A decade later things had changed dramatically.
Don't like to just be a lurker
Posted by High Priestess on March 01, 2004 at 18:09:13: Previous Next
In Reply to: When did guys start growing their hair? posted by Steve on February 29, 2004 at 21:08:23:
Remember when these photos where posted on this website?
The early 1900's baseball team House of David. Wow!
Posted by Evil Milkman on March 03, 2004 at 20:04:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: Don't like to just be a lurker posted by High Priestess on March 01, 2004 at 18:09:13:
Re: RE:
Posted by Hair Religion on March 04, 2004 at 00:04:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: RE: posted by Evil Milkman on March 03, 2004 at 20:04:48:
Keep in mind that those guys were members of an odd little cult that required them to have long hair.
Re: When did guys start growing their hair?
Posted by nWoSlapnut on March 02, 2004 at 01:28:29: Previous Next
In Reply to: When did guys start growing their hair? posted by Steve on February 29, 2004 at 21:08:23:
: I was under the impression that Long Hair was considered cool back in
: the sixties and many guys started growing their hair, but this yearbook from 1969 tells a different story. the only photos of students with long hair are the girls!
I'm not sure that I can answer your question, but as far as the yearbook is concerned, keep in mind that one yearbook may not necessarily be representative of what all students looked like from that period in time. That may have been a conservative school and/or the people depicted may have come from a very traditional/conservative area.
Re: When did guys start growing their hair?
Posted by John Doe on March 06, 2004 at 13:22:35: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: When did guys start growing their hair? posted by nWoSlapnut on March 02, 2004 at 01:28:29:
: : I was under the impression that Long Hair was considered cool back in
: : the sixties and many guys started growing their hair, but this yearbook from 1969 tells a different story. the only photos of students with long hair are the girls!
: I'm not sure that I can answer your question, but as far as the yearbook is concerned, keep in mind that one yearbook may not necessarily be representative of what all students looked like from that period in time. That may have been a conservative school and/or the people depicted may have come from a very traditional/conservative area.
You are absolutely right. Arcadia was VERY conservative in the late 1960's...still is realatively conservative today. I couldn't imagine school administrators allowing long hair at that time.
Re: When did guys start growing their hair?
Posted by John Doe on March 06, 2004 at 13:22:30: Previous Next
In Reply to: When did guys start growing their hair? posted by Steve on February 29, 2004 at 21:08:23:
Hey Steve...are you from Arcadia? I'm from South Pas...small world,huh?