Survey on childhood
Posted by Rudy on March 04, 2004 at 01:33:21: Previous Next
I was just wondering. What sort of hair did you guys have when you were kids? I mean, like from infancy upto early teens? And did that in anyway influence your decision to grow your hair out?
My parents always insisted on short hair. I always wanted to have long hair, but the longest I had it was just over my collar in the back and mouth length in front. Still, especially towards my high school days I had longer hair than most of my classmates.
Re: Survey on childhood
Posted by Todd on March 04, 2004 at 07:20:46: Previous Next
In Reply to: Survey on childhood posted by Rudy on March 04, 2004 at 01:33:21:
I'm 20, so growing up in the 80s I had the perfect 80s haircut, the rattail. I had it until about age 8, and was down to my lower back if I remember right.
Before that, I have some old photos of me at about age 4, with long hair, and bangs. Looked like a little girl LOL! Mom liked me in long hair, and it was her who finally cut it into a rattail.
Re: Survey on childhood
Posted by That Ball Guy on March 04, 2004 at 10:28:02: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Survey on childhood posted by Todd on March 04, 2004 at 07:20:46:
Same here, grew up in 80's, rattail. . .the whole bit. . . .Only had it for about a year though, I didn't like having just one part of my hair long, so I cut it all.
: I'm 20, so growing up in the 80s I had the perfect 80s haircut, the rattail. I had it until about age 8, and was down to my lower back if I remember right.
Re: Survey on childhood
Posted by Coyote on March 04, 2004 at 07:20:51: Previous Next
In Reply to: Survey on childhood posted by Rudy on March 04, 2004 at 01:33:21:
: I was just wondering. What sort of hair did you guys have when you were kids? I mean, like from infancy upto early teens? And did that in anyway influence your decision to grow your hair out?
: My parents always insisted on short hair. I always wanted to have long hair, but the longest I had it was just over my collar in the back and mouth length in front. Still, especially towards my high school days I had longer hair than most of my classmates.
I always had short hair as a kid...never longer than 1.5 inches...always wanted long hair, though.
Re: Survey on childhood
Posted by Justin on March 04, 2004 at 09:52:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: Survey on childhood posted by Rudy on March 04, 2004 at 01:33:21:
Very short ages 1-11. (Parents choice and "long" at that point didn't even occur to me.) By 12 I had the longest hair of all boys in my school which is to say about 4." By HS I didn't have the longest of all..........but with Bangs at Chin-level hardly considered short. Lucky for myself, my parents always allowed me to express myself and didn't mind long hair at all EXCEPT if it was dirty.
Re: Survey on childhood
Posted by Luckskind on March 04, 2004 at 09:57:35: Previous Next
In Reply to: Survey on childhood posted by Rudy on March 04, 2004 at 01:33:21:
: I was just wondering. What sort of hair did you guys have when you were kids? I mean, like from infancy upto early teens? And did that in anyway influence your decision to grow your hair out?
Basically short until I was about 21.
No, having short hair throughout my childhood had no effect on
my decision to grow it out years later.
Re: Survey on childhood
Posted by Ed on March 04, 2004 at 10:26:18: Previous Next
In Reply to: Survey on childhood posted by Rudy on March 04, 2004 at 01:33:21:
Well, I'm 15 and my hairs always been longer than average. (Think Beatles.) By my parents choice. And then about a year ago I dedcided to grow it out, now its about chin/ lower neck length.
Re: Survey on childhood
Posted by Dawn Ashley on March 04, 2004 at 10:27:47: Previous Next
In Reply to: Survey on childhood posted by Rudy on March 04, 2004 at 01:33:21:
: I was just wondering. What sort of hair did you guys have when you were kids? I mean, like from infancy upto early teens? And did that in anyway influence your decision to grow your hair out?
: My parents always insisted on short hair. I always wanted to have long hair, but the longest I had it was just over my collar in the back and mouth length in front. Still, especially towards my high school days I had longer hair than most of my classmates.
I was 11 years old befor my first haircut other than the ends trimmed. My mother and aunt loved long hair on me. Yet my sister 11 mths older detested long hair and has short hair to this day.
Re: Survey on childhood
Posted by Lewi071 on March 04, 2004 at 11:19:43: Previous Next
In Reply to: Survey on childhood posted by Rudy on March 04, 2004 at 01:33:21:
: I was just wondering. What sort of hair did you guys have when you were kids? I mean, like from infancy upto early teens? And did that in anyway influence your decision to grow your hair out?
: My parents always insisted on short hair. I always wanted to have long hair, but the longest I had it was just over my collar in the back and mouth length in front. Still, especially towards my high school days I had longer hair than most of my classmates.
I'm 31 now. Have always had short hair (1.5-2"). I just got tired of always looking the same. I wanted options. So here I am at 15 months with no trim! Couldn't have done it without this board, either! Thanks!
Re: Survey on childhood
Posted by Sorted on March 04, 2004 at 12:36:51: Previous Next
In Reply to: Survey on childhood posted by Rudy on March 04, 2004 at 01:33:21:
I always avoided haircuts and I'd wanted long hair since I was about 8 years old. My Parents normally stepped in after a few months so I never really grew my hair to any length. But I never really felt I could say: "Hey Mom, I dont want a hair cut, I wanna grow my hair long." - Why? I guess because at 9 years old you figure the response is gonna be something like: "No you don't, you'll look like a girl."
Funny thing, I asked my Mom about this years later and she actually said if I'd spoken up as a kid she'd have let me grow it out... she had no idea I didn't want short hair, she just though I hated haircuts cos as a todler I used to cry when the snipped hair got in my eyes and tickled my face... Unbelievable huh?
Later on when I was 13 I belated got a Mullet Style, just as it was going out of fashion and I wore that for a few years. And when I was 15 I grew the top out to about the base of my ears and got it undercut, I wore that until I was 17.
I never really grew it out "full on", peer pressure and my own pyschological barriers I guess. The longer styles I wore, I only did because I felt I could get away with them because they were part of a "trend."
Thankfully I'm more emotionally liberated these days.
Re: Survey on childhood
Posted by Redleader on March 04, 2004 at 15:22:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: Survey on childhood posted by Rudy on March 04, 2004 at 01:33:21:
My mom's always been supportive of my having long hair. In fact, she constantly calls it "gorgeous" and wishes that hers was like mine. Before I was in school, she would keep it at about a five inch shag.
Re: Survey on childhood
Posted by surferdude on March 04, 2004 at 18:20:13: Previous Next
In Reply to: Survey on childhood posted by Rudy on March 04, 2004 at 01:33:21:
Until I was 5 years old, I had long blonde curly hair, and looked girly but I must have had it cut finally and my hairs now dark brown and slightly wavy.
I'm not basing what I looked like at 5 with what my long hair will look like. I've always had short hair (2 inches) after that. I've always wanted long hair since the age of 12. Couldnt have grown it without the help here. Does anyone know why my hair all of a sudden went dark brown from blonde within a couple of months?
Re: Survey on childhood
Posted by tommy turbo on March 04, 2004 at 20:57:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: Survey on childhood posted by Rudy on March 04, 2004 at 01:33:21:
: I was just wondering. What sort of hair did you guys have when you were kids? I mean, like from infancy upto early teens? And did that in anyway influence your decision to grow your hair out?
Well, as a very little child, I don't remeber thinking about it too much up to 10-11 or so. Then I thought about it, and wanted to grow it out, but my dad never would let me, being career air force. At the end of the 6th grade, I don't know why, I got my head shaved bald, and I didn't mind it at the time, but as it grew back, I figured I'd give it a try longer, like I had wanted for a long time. So I started to grow it. By high school it was quite long, and at the time the grunge style was in, so think about the hair styles then. By this point my parent s divorced, and I seldom saw my dad, that wasn't a problem.
By the end of high school it was way down my back, but the trend changed drastically, and the buzz cut was in. Of all the guys I knew that had long hair, only myself and one other was left. What a change.
I kept it long through college until I got my first job, which I made the mistake of cutting it to not loose my job. Bad idea, I have learned from. It's now down to mid back now.
: My parents always insisted on short hair. I always wanted to have long hair, but the longest I had it was just over my collar in the back and mouth length in front. Still, especially towards my high school days I had longer hair than most of my classmates.
My parents were divided, dad never liked it, still doesn't, but puts up with it, allways makes comments like, isn't it hot, or doesn't that get in the way, ect.
Mom, was more suportive, still is, and as long as it was clean and groomed, no lice all was cool.
I don't think the resistance of my parents had too much effect, however employers thats another story.
Re: Survey on childhood
Posted by Ivix on March 05, 2004 at 08:55:44: Previous Next
In Reply to: Survey on childhood posted by Rudy on March 04, 2004 at 01:33:21:
Ages 5-8 I had all my hair even at the base of my neck. 8-12 I had my hair typical boy short no bangs sandpaper in back. 12-17 it was really shaggy but still not long. At 17 I started growing it out. Am now 18. Got it to below neck and trimmed back up to neck just a week and a half ago. Now it's all more or less even again, just like when I was 7. Will now let it get as long as it will!
Re: Survey on childhood
Posted by elektros on March 05, 2004 at 11:39:40: Previous Next
In Reply to: Survey on childhood posted by Rudy on March 04, 2004 at 01:33:21:
: I was just wondering. What sort of hair did you guys have when you were kids? I mean, like from infancy upto early teens? And did that in anyway influence your decision to grow your hair out?
I had short hair until I was 15, then had it layered, then grew that out when I was 23 (I'm now 46). My hair was always long on top of my head. The old-fashioned style in England back then was 'short back and sides', leaving shaggy hair on top. Crew cuts were strictly for Americans or skinheads right up until the '90s, by which time I was living in the States anyway. Most people had the back and sides cut with clippers, but I didn't like that as a child, and my Dad didn't have that done either, so the back and sides of my hair were only cut short with scissors.
I faced enormous resistance from my parents against growing my hair long. At the same time long hair stayed in style from when I was 8 until I was into my twenties. I think this is why I won't cut it short for anyone for any reason.
I was Ringo
Posted by nWoSlapnut on March 05, 2004 at 13:24:04: Previous Next
In Reply to: Survey on childhood posted by Rudy on March 04, 2004 at 01:33:21:
: I was just wondering. What sort of hair did you guys have when you were kids? I mean, like from infancy upto early teens? And did that in anyway influence your decision to grow your hair out?
For the longest time, I've been too spineless to be independent and live for myself, so I spent pretty much my entire childhood and most of my teenage years sticking with the sort of haircut that my parents forged for me at a very early age: The mushroom. Of course, the mushroom cut went out of style, so I used to opt for bowl cut variations of it. I used to constantly receive remarks that my haircut - when grown out to its usual length (on me, anyway) - made me resemble Ringo Starr of the Beatles.
It was only two years before I decided to grow my hair out that I tried to conform and regularly received Caesar cuts.
Re: Survey on childhood
Posted by scaredresser on March 05, 2004 at 22:36:45: Previous Next
In Reply to: Survey on childhood posted by Rudy on March 04, 2004 at 01:33:21:
: I was just wondering. What sort of hair did you guys have when you were kids? I mean, like from infancy upto early teens? And did that in anyway influence your decision to grow your hair out?
Had a 'regular' hair cut till high school, then started dying it, mohawks, shaved bits, extensions, crimping, etc. I mostly kept it in a Pompadour and Ducktail for school and work..and then eventually all the time(my 2 decade long rockabilly phase). Then came summer 2001 when I shaved it bald and it's been growing ever since (with 2 minor trims, and a lot of hacking into it in the awkward phase so it looked like it was supposed to be like Now I am patiently waiting for it to hit my waist. Luckily, my first career took me down the path of trichology (dr. of hair and scalp) so I am very pleased with its current condition!