Hair extensions and glue guns

Hair extensions and glue guns
Posted by Andrew on March 14, 2004 at 02:15:16: Previous Next


I was at the local piercing shop/cheap tat place today looking at these hair dyes and started talking to the girl about hair extensions. My hair is pretty much at my shoulders but I want to put bright extensions into them from the ends. The girl I talked to said to use a low melt glue gun(??!) that you can get at the stationers. This doesn't sound right to me. I've checked out some stuff on the net for extensions but they're all girly based sites I don't follow and loads of them are horror stories. does anyone know about how you should put hair extensions in yourself without paying 500 bucks a pop? seems to be a big secret. I need to know how to use a glue gun without clumping the glue, I'm not gonna go wadging blobs of glue into my hair the way she said to. Can anyone help me out with this? ta much

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