
Posted by jonny smith on April 07, 2004 at 13:39:58: Previous Next

well this is a kinda long story ...i was told a few months ago i have to wear hearing aids ..and im kinda embarrased of them becuase they look ghastly. so ive decided to grow my hair in order to cover them this means hair over the ears..well i havent cut my hair for like 2 months now...but my hair is like hay its soo thick its growing out and becuase of the thickness when i comb it it looks all wavy (however i wouldnt call it curly). becuase the main aim is to cover the ears i havent cut the sides my head looks like a triangle at the moment .although the hearing aids are covered i look really silly like i been stuck in some time warp lol ..should i go and see a stylist or continue to grow it?

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