Has anyone else ever felt like this?

Has anyone else ever felt like this?
Posted by Anon on July 12, 2001 at 14:07:34: Previous Next

I'm afraid I am going to lose control. I thought I had got past the awkward stage but I seem to always get days when I feel so tempted to cut my fringe from nose length like it is now to eyebrow length cause it just keeps dangling and looking stupid. My aim is to have my hair long enough to go behind my ears at the front and have the back about chin length so, sort of like a bob but it's just not getting there.
Has anyone else ever felt so bad and annoyed that you considered cutting the fringe? Cause this is just really getting me depressed (I know it sounds stupid) when I just can't get it to do anything and it looks crap. It just doesn't seem to grow fast at the back either, and it's really getting on my nerves. Is there any light at the end of the tunnel or should I give it a snip (I have come very close already) and let the back grow all to the same length first ???

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