Temporary straighteners

Temporary straighteners
Posted by Nick on June 19, 2002 at 19:41:09: Previous Next

My hair is very wavy and Im not down with the damage caused by chemicaly treating hair so I want to go with the next best thing. I am entering the awkward stage and might want wavy hair when it is longer too. I was wondering if anyone uses them, and do they work on most hair? Also do they cause a lot of damage in the long run (since they require blow drying.) And do they hold up during activity or extreme wind or if your hair gets slightly wet during the day. I used to use gels but there are a lot of drawbacks like it dries your hair out in the long run, and if there is wind or you headbang in a band, it ends up all wavy and big again. It looks as if I purposly used a volumizer or something. Anyway if anyone has any advice on this matter it would be greatly appreciated.

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