Temporary straighteners
Posted by Nick on June 19, 2002 at 19:41:09: Previous Next
My hair is very wavy and Im not down with the damage caused by chemicaly treating hair so I want to go with the next best thing. I am entering the awkward stage and might want wavy hair when it is longer too. I was wondering if anyone uses them, and do they work on most hair? Also do they cause a lot of damage in the long run (since they require blow drying.) And do they hold up during activity or extreme wind or if your hair gets slightly wet during the day. I used to use gels but there are a lot of drawbacks like it dries your hair out in the long run, and if there is wind or you headbang in a band, it ends up all wavy and big again. It looks as if I purposly used a volumizer or something. Anyway if anyone has any advice on this matter it would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Temporary straighteners
Posted by Treyn on June 19, 2002 at 20:24:33: Previous Next
In Reply to: Temporary straighteners posted by Nick on June 19, 2002 at 19:41:09:
You say you may want wavy hair when it does get longer later. I believe long wavy hair is great. My hair is thick with a mixed wavy-straight thing going on and the fine people of this longhaired board tell me it will look great when it gets out of the dreaded awkward stage. Well, I believe perseverence is the key here. We are reaching towards a goal and want to do what ever it takes to reach that goal by keeping our hair HEALTHY. Chemicals of any kind whether temporary or permanent are not the way to go as far as hair health is concerned. They damage hair, make it weak, and this leads to breakages thus dragging out the already long awkward stage. This reminds of the lyrics in a Steve Miller Band song called Big Old Jet Airliner-"You Got To Go Through Hell Before You Get To Heaven" What I mean here is, put up with it being puffy, big, wavy and out of control at times and when you do get to where you want in the next year and a half or so you can look back and say that it was all worth it. I am where you are right now and I canŽt imagine doing anything to this head of hair that has potential of damaging it. I shampoo once a week, for crying out loud, due to the awesome advice from people in this great online community. Stay away from the chemicals, dude. YouŽll be glad you did.
Long hair is definitely neater
Posted by Nick on June 19, 2002 at 21:33:12: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Temporary straighteners posted by Treyn on June 19, 2002 at 20:24:33:
:Well, I believe perseverence is the key here. We are reaching towards a goal and want to do what ever it takes to reach that goal by keeping our hair HEALTHY. Chemicals of any kind whether temporary or permanent are not the way to go as far as hair health is concerned. They damage hair, make it weak, and this leads to breakages thus dragging out the already long awkward stage.
:Stay away from the chemicals, dude. YouŽll be glad you did.
Excellent advice. I also say the last think I want to do to my hair is damage it, and I would know after loosing my hair after BLEACHING a previous attempt at growing it out. My hair litteraly melted off. I will never use any chemicals again after that. But I guess as far as the awkward stage, after it grows out you never have to deal with it again, so its very much worth it.
Id also like to say, off topic with this thread, to people that think short hair is 'neater'. Since my hair is wavy, and a buzz cut is the only way its not noticable (and the shape of my head does not mix with a buzz cut) that short wavy hair sticks & curls out all over the place, definitely not a good professional look at all. In this case, long hair is a lot neater as far as the weight of the hair taming the curls down.
Re: Long hair is definitely neater
Posted by mjtoo on June 19, 2002 at 22:49:08: Previous Next
In Reply to: Long hair is definitely neater posted by Nick on June 19, 2002 at 21:33:12:
i use a flat iron to straighten my hair...LOVE it. works very well. if you don't know how to properly use them, you can damage your hair, but i have used one for the last year with NO problems...and my hair is color treated...i guess i just got a good colorist/stylist.
but DO stay away from the checmical straighteners....did those many years ago...a good thing for a while, but then, it got bad!
good luck,
: :Well, I believe perseverence is the key here. We are reaching towards a goal and want to do what ever it takes to reach that goal by keeping our hair HEALTHY. Chemicals of any kind whether temporary or permanent are not the way to go as far as hair health is concerned. They damage hair, make it weak, and this leads to breakages thus dragging out the already long awkward stage.
: :Stay away from the chemicals, dude. YouŽll be glad you did.
: Excellent advice. I also say the last think I want to do to my hair is damage it, and I would know after loosing my hair after BLEACHING a previous attempt at growing it out. My hair litteraly melted off. I will never use any chemicals again after that. But I guess as far as the awkward stage, after it grows out you never have to deal with it again, so its very much worth it.
: Id also like to say, off topic with this thread, to people that think short hair is 'neater'. Since my hair is wavy, and a buzz cut is the only way its not noticable (and the shape of my head does not mix with a buzz cut) that short wavy hair sticks & curls out all over the place, definitely not a good professional look at all. In this case, long hair is a lot neater as far as the weight of the hair taming the curls down.
Re: Temporary straighteners
Posted by Jeremy on June 20, 2002 at 12:13:29: Previous Next
In Reply to: Temporary straighteners posted by Nick on June 19, 2002 at 19:41:09:
I sometimes use a temporary straightener, and it works pretty well for me. The directions on mine say to blow dry too, but I never do. I just put it in after I wash my hair and then let it air dry. I don't think it really damages my hair any since my hair is just as healthy as before I started using the straightener. Lastly, the stuff I use DOES tend to hold up in wind or for headbanging but DOES NOT tend to hold up if your hair gets the slightest bit of moisture on it. And if you're gonna do it like me and not blowdry, you have to wait until your hair completely dries with the straightener in it before you even think about letting your hair get blown around or messing it up. If you do that before it dries then it'll go back to being just as bad as before you put the straightener in. Hope this helps.
: My hair is very wavy and Im not down with the damage caused by chemicaly treating hair so I want to go with the next best thing. I am entering the awkward stage and might want wavy hair when it is longer too. I was wondering if anyone uses them, and do they work on most hair? Also do they cause a lot of damage in the long run (since they require blow drying.) And do they hold up during activity or extreme wind or if your hair gets slightly wet during the day. I used to use gels but there are a lot of drawbacks like it dries your hair out in the long run, and if there is wind or you headbang in a band, it ends up all wavy and big again. It looks as if I purposly used a volumizer or something. Anyway if anyone has any advice on this matter it would be greatly appreciated.