What is that? Man or woman?
Posted by InUtero on June 29, 2002 at 16:11:01: Previous Next
Do you get mistaken for a woman?
I foten do at wrk because I am in the uniform. At home and out I wear jeans and T shirts so I look less like a woman.
What do you say if someone does mistake you?
How can I make my hair look less like a woman? Currently I have slight sideburns that has grown from the slight undercut, but I let my hair go greasier to look less feminine.
Being confused is a very bad feeling and one of the reasons I don't like long hair, any help?
Re: What is that? Man or woman?
Posted by Treyn on June 29, 2002 at 17:16:42: Previous Next
In Reply to: What is that? Man or woman? posted by InUtero on June 29, 2002 at 16:11:01:
Men wearing long hair is definetly a common thing and has been for years. Now my hair is not long enough by any means yet (emphasis on the word "yet") for me to be mistaken for a woman. But this is how I see it. I would guess that in most cases it is an innocent thing for someone to make that mistake with some long haired guys providing the angle at which they first see you. These instances are commonly resolved with a simple "Oops, I'm sorry" statement or the like and we can laugh with them and so on. It's not like your wearing a dress and tons of makeup. NO BIG DEAL!
Now, if it goes beyond this to someone just simply being an idiot and wanting to pick at your expense due to their personal opinion on the matter, I would very easily just ignore ingnorance from lowely minded people with nothing better to do, may the Good Lord bless them and keep them. In conclusion: It's my hair, it's the way I like it (including my wife) and I don't grow it for any other reason than that. And to me, this is also no big deal. God Bless, hope this helps, and keep it long!!!
Re: What is that? Man or woman?
Posted by Treyn on June 29, 2002 at 21:58:35: Previous Next
In Reply to: What is that? Man or woman? posted by InUtero on June 29, 2002 at 16:11:01:
This post reminds me of the song Turn The Page by Bob Seiger:
You pull into a restaurant
Strung out from the road
You can see the eyes upon you
As your shaking off the cold
You pretend it doesn't bother you
But you just want to explode
Sometimes you can't hear 'em talk
Other times you can
It's the same old cleche's
Is that a woman or a man
And you always seem outnumbered
So you don't dare make a stand
Just thought I would share!
Posted by Zorba on June 29, 2002 at 23:31:01: Previous Next
In Reply to: What is that? Man or woman? posted by InUtero on June 29, 2002 at 16:11:01:
: Being confused is a very bad feeling and one of the reasons I don't like long hair, any help?
I figure if someone mistakes me for a woman, I must be doing something right! If my hair looks *that* good that someone mistakes me for a woman, I consider it a compliment!
But they can only get confused from the back, one look at my full beard will dispell them of any illusions!
I just laugh...
Re: What is that? Man or woman?
Posted by Dragon's Whisker on June 29, 2002 at 23:50:41: Previous Next
In Reply to: What is that? Man or woman? posted by InUtero on June 29, 2002 at 16:11:01:
: Do you get mistaken for a woman?
: I often do at work because I am in the uniform. At home and out I wear jeans and T-shirts so I look less like a woman.
: What do you say if someone does mistake you?
Usually I just shrug it off and laugh about it later, like today. I was over at Fry's with my mother. As we were exiting the store, our stuff had to be checked. When the woman was finished she said, "Thank you ma'am, thank you ma'am." When we exited the store, we began joking about it. It doesn't really matter anyways, and often times I don't want to correct them because, as I have an absence of facial hair, they would think that I have some kind of transgender issues. I can't wait until I can grow a beard or facial hair, because then I could really freak people out. I just take it as a sign that my hair is long enough to be mistaken for a girl's.
Re: What is that? Man or woman?
Posted by tommy turbo on June 30, 2002 at 01:19:20: Previous Next
In Reply to: What is that? Man or woman? posted by InUtero on June 29, 2002 at 16:11:01:
I have had this happen, and usually it is fun watching the person try to back peddle and get really apologetic. I realize that maybe sometimes it is hard to tell, so I shrug it off. But usually when this happens in a restaurant the service gets really good as they try to compensate for the mistake. Some times I have shaven, other times not, and It has happened both ways. Probably why I am lax about shaving, plus it is totally natural for a male to have facial hair anyway.
androgenous men are my favorite.
Posted by veronicamoxie on June 30, 2002 at 05:49:47: Previous Next
In Reply to: What is that? Man or woman? posted by InUtero on June 29, 2002 at 16:11:01:
my advice to you is this - there are a lot of times when people say things directed at someone where the statement actually says less about the topic of the sentance than it does about themselves. if someone is criticizing you, they are basically saying "i cant see value in other people, i cant appreciate anything, and i have to feel like im worth something, but i havent figured out how to do that yet without the old trick of making other people appear to be worth less than me".
if they arent critical, dont worry about looking like a girl. probably the people who make a mistake are not paying very much attention and are just too 'sheltered' or plain accustomed to the "women have long hair, men have short hair" brainwash to react in a sensible way, which would be to react outside of that habit. and once they realize that you are a guy and that theyve made a really dumb mistake, they probably feel like an idiot - im sure most of them feel as rude as you are humiliated!
personally, i absolutely LOVE androgenous looking guys. why should men purposely look WORSE as a symbol of masculine strength? this criticizm is not directed at you, its directed at the idea that men have to be boring to look at, undecorated, and if they choose to pay attention to anything 'insignificant' such as the quality of their hair, the annoying catches on their fingernails or whether their new clothes are going to match their old ones, they are suddenly not good enough or deserve to have their butt kicked. lack of attention to detail and lack of interest in looking good is not a symbol of strength, its a symbol of laziness if anything, and when its used as a criticism its just another dumb justification to dominate others.
as a female, i find myself checking out girls quite often because of my love of long haired guys, basically mistaking their gender for a few seconds before the disappointment of "oh darn that wasnt a guy, it was a girl!" hits. next time you are at work and the first lady in line is mistaking you as a girl, remember that right behind that person maybe there is someone like me, mistaking that lady as a hot guy with long hair! so what do you think of that?
Re: What is that? Man or woman?
Posted by surfer on June 30, 2002 at 08:40:40: Previous Next
In Reply to: What is that? Man or woman? posted by InUtero on June 29, 2002 at 16:11:01:
It's weird cause i hear other guys with long hair talking about this and it's happened to me once by this old lady in the mall. I've had long hair for about 2 1/2 years now. Everybody i meet and all my old friends who see it for the first time love it.
Re: What is that? Man or woman?
Posted by Baldie the Eagle on June 30, 2002 at 16:54:16: Previous Next
In Reply to: What is that? Man or woman? posted by InUtero on June 29, 2002 at 16:11:01:
: You say
"At home and out I wear jeans and T shirts so I look less like a woman."
From my experience jeans and a t shirt are no longer any kind of gender indication, you need to look for clues from the shape of the person wearing them.
Current figures indicate over 90% of women will be wearing trousers on any particular day, and around 60% of women have short hair. People who make assumptions of gender from insufficient data must be making mistakes all the time.
Re: What is that? Man or woman?
Posted by Jin on June 30, 2002 at 23:36:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: What is that? Man or woman? posted by InUtero on June 29, 2002 at 16:11:01:
I used to be very bothered by being mistaken for a woman, but no longer now. I figured that it's good enough for myself to know that I'm a MAN in me and if people want to mistake me for a woman, just because I love long hair, and my hair is SILKY enough for them to think that way, it isn't my fault.
But lucky for me, my encounters were usually mild (that is, people do not make nasty remarks in addition to the mistake). After clarification on my part, they'll usually apologise. Some kind souls even go the extra mile to compliment my hair :)) There's one Indian Lady that even asked me "not to cut it, ever. It's so thick and beautiful".
Such comments could really perk up my day :)))
Accident or on purpose
Posted by Timon on July 01, 2002 at 00:13:06: Previous Next
In Reply to: What is that? Man or woman? posted by InUtero on June 29, 2002 at 16:11:01:
Although it doesn't happen too often, every time I've been mistaken for a female wasnt a mistake at all. Either the tone of their voice or the comment "you look like a girl" says that they know exacly what my gender is they just want to be ignorant. I have just learned to deal with it after awhile. After all, how often do you see someone go up to a real girl and say 'you look like a girl'.
Re: What is that? Man or woman?
Posted by Spiff on August 01, 2002 at 23:22:24: Previous Next
In Reply to: What is that? Man or woman? posted by InUtero on June 29, 2002 at 16:11:01:
What's the big deal if they think you look female. I think beautiful hair looks great on anyone regardless of gender. What's the use in having long hair if you can't enjoy it? Go ahead, layer it, use conditioners. Use a curling iron. Get some aquanet. Show those girls how it's done. The girls will love it, and the guys will be jealous!