Breakthrough for straight hair!!!

Breakthrough for straight hair!!!
Posted by Anon on July 04, 2002 at 14:03:35: Previous Next

Hi people. I have fairly straight hair but recently, the longer it gets, the harder it is to style every time I come out the shower and every time I wash it. Everyone seems to have the same problem as I had and coming to this board is very comforting but all the while I have been here, searching for a solution, nothing has come up that has worked for me. Last night I found a breakthrough on how to get manageability, control and a straight smooth texture in minutes, and it is such an obvious solution:

I washed my hair and let it dry last night but as usual it went all wirey at the back and sides and it flopped around, it has done this ever since I've had it longer. I found a curling iron (yes CURLING iron!) that my mum uses and because I was getting really peed off with my annoying hair I thought I may as well give it a go (my hair had practically dried by now but was messy at the back and sides especially). All I did was stroke it through all my hair slowly and gently (This is easier than you may have thought). Everytime I reached the ends of the hair I just gently eased it over them so it didn't pull them as much. Within minutes my hair was almost perfectly straight and smooth. I finger combed it all into the position I wanted and I realised that this is the best solution I have ever found to the problem of having wavyish, unstyleable hair! I can even shake my head now and it easily finger combs back into the same position, something I have never enjoyed in my LIFE!
Whatsmore curling irons are so cheap! If the idea of buying one from a shop is embarassing, don't let it be! Get a family members old one, or someone to buy one for you, or you could even order one on the net. I can't believe how long i've gone without ever trying one and I am so glad I tried it last night, annoying hair is a thing of the past for me! (Also, my mum uses it every day and her hair has never been damaged, another benefit!)

I hope this works for everyone as well as it has for me. At least give it a go if you had my problem, I'M SURE YOU WON'T REGRET IT!!!

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