where did long hair first start
Posted by Erik on July 04, 2002 at 15:51:21: Previous Next
me and a friend are having a debate on where long hair on men started and who had it first men or women and i said it started with the cave men and both the male and female had it long but he said it started with pirates and women had long hair first, i also tole him that the thing the pirates had first opn guys was earings but he doesent think so so where in on this 5 dollar bet (i know where cheap) so anyone have any facts about this stuff
Re: where did long hair first start
Posted by Mike on July 04, 2002 at 16:06:58: Previous Next
In Reply to: where did long hair first start posted by Erik on July 04, 2002 at 15:51:21:
well, I think you're right. There must have been a point where we were able to have something that's like what we call "long hair" but the haircut hadn't been invented yet. Before the haircut was invented, I would guess everyone had long hair.
The real interesting question would be who was first to cut off their hair... but I wouldn't know how to answer that properly.
: me and a friend are having a debate on where long hair on men started and who had it first men or women and i said it started with the cave men and both the male and female had it long but he said it started with pirates and women had long hair first, i also tole him that the thing the pirates had first opn guys was earings but he doesent think so so where in on this 5 dollar bet (i know where cheap) so anyone have any facts about this stuff
Re: where did long hair first start
Posted by Barry on July 04, 2002 at 16:14:35: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: where did long hair first start posted by Mike on July 04, 2002 at 16:06:58:
I think it's more a question of when did short hair become the norm? Is short hair a mainly 20th century phenomenon, a result of widespread military service in 2 world wars? It looks like long hair (or long-ish hair) has been the norm for both sexes throughout much of history.
: well, I think you're right. There must have been a point where we were able to have something that's like what we call "long hair" but the haircut hadn't been invented yet. Before the haircut was invented, I would guess everyone had long hair.
: The real interesting question would be who was first to cut off their hair... but I wouldn't know how to answer that properly.
: : me and a friend are having a debate on where long hair on men started and who had it first men or women and i said it started with the cave men and both the male and female had it long but he said it started with pirates and women had long hair first, i also tole him that the thing the pirates had first opn guys was earings but he doesent think so so where in on this 5 dollar bet (i know where cheap) so anyone have any facts about this stuff
Re: where did long hair first start
Posted by Baldie the Eagle on July 05, 2002 at 00:21:25: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: where did long hair first start posted by Barry on July 04, 2002 at 16:14:35:
If you go into Google and search for long hair history you will find quite a lot of info about what styles were popular when.
At one time long hair was an indication of high status- the wigs worn by British judges are the last remnany of that idea.
Fashions and ideas change: Viking warriors had long hair, there are references to men being refused entry into the army in the old days because their hair wasn't long enough.
The pony tail was first worn by Gallic (I think) warriors who were presumably all men in those days. There must be an interesting book there just waiting to be written.
Re: where did long hair first start
Posted by justin case on July 04, 2002 at 20:23:05: Previous Next
In Reply to: where did long hair first start posted by Erik on July 04, 2002 at 15:51:21:
all long hair starts at the root. long hair on men started with men. i think a pirate may have had the first earing but he ended up being traded to the red sox for a minor league prospect, a bottle of soda, and a functional set of toenail clippers.
Re: where did long hair first start
Posted by Erik on July 05, 2002 at 02:17:56: Previous Next
In Reply to: where did long hair first start posted by Erik on July 04, 2002 at 15:51:21:
dude if there was a book and it cost like 40 bucks i would buy it, that would be so interesting, or maybe a show on it on the discovery or history channel, that would just make my day. I would record it or hell id buy it from them and watch it every day. Someone out there do this for all of us long haired people. I mean id seen things on tv and in books about some pretty dumb crap but nothing like howw a book abot long hair on people whered it startr and stuff. Maybe i will try to get some information and use it as like a school report so that way i can work on somthing im interested in and get a good grade for school on too. yeah thats what i shall do.