This made me mad (long post)

This made me mad (long post)
Posted by tekmatai on July 11, 2002 at 09:42:17: Previous Next

OK, maybe mad is the wrong word; anger/frustration seems to be a better description. Im talking about the hypocrisy that some organisations show towards long hair.

I'd like you to look at this first:

How is that fair? I mean if women are allowed then why shouldnt men be allowed to? That is an old argument i know, perhaps it doesnt need fresh debate.

What really annoyed me about it though is that this is a company, dictacting how men can wear their hair. The consequences of not complying is discrimination. Apparently this constitutes their uniform code.

Now, international troops are fighting to overthrow the taliban/al quaeda regimes, under which a man can be executed for wearing the wrong hair style, an extreme form of discrimination.

I realize that one can boycott the company amd not a goverment they live under, i still think there is a strong correlation between the two. Both are opressive of the individuals right to choose. Neither is fair. How can this be allowed?

It just infuriates and saddens me to see such blatant discrimination and unfairness in a time when individuality and freedom are supposed to be prized.

Sorry for the long post, i just wanted to say this.


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