so pissed off at this moment
Posted by ERik on July 18, 2002 at 00:07:28: Previous Next
i cant even explain the anger that is going through me at this moment
i cant even type right. My parents are pissed off that i haent got a job yet anywhere because i have over a dozen apps in at everywhere that would give them to a 15 in a half year old, i dont care what my pay is i just need money, well now my parents got a phone call from k-mart saying they want me for a interview so now my parents are getting all antsy and shit and saying that im going to have to look my best for thuis because its the only place so far that wants me for a interview so looking my best for them is cutting my almost pony tail length hair to a buzz, im about to go nuts here. my dads saying crap like he wouldent even hire someone that looks like me with his hair all long what can i do, i do want a job but i dont beleive i need a haircutt to look nice and clean, my parents are going to force it to like my dad threats to chop some pieces off my hair with sciors
so it look so bad id have to cutt it
Re: so pissed off at this moment
Posted by Mantraschism on July 18, 2002 at 01:19:27: Previous Next
In Reply to: so pissed off at this moment posted by ERik on July 18, 2002 at 00:07:28:
Dude, that sucks. It's unfortunate that you're so young. Hm... Well, short hair doesn't = nice looking. In fact, buzzcuts look like utter s*** as far as I'm concerned. Just dress nicely and make sure your hair looks nice. Maybe you can convince your parents of this; after all, it's not like K-Mart told you that it has to be short.
Good luck man.
Sorry for you
Posted by Eric too on July 18, 2002 at 02:07:59: Previous Next
In Reply to: so pissed off at this moment posted by ERik on July 18, 2002 at 00:07:28:
Boy, your post really brings back memories: bad memories. Your parents could pass for mine 25 years ago. I can recall my dad telling me he would cut my hair in my sleep, and it really bothered me for years.
My guess is that K-Mart is probably so hard up for employees that they really could not care less what your hairstyle is. But that is almost impossible to get irate parents to see when they are in one of their hysterical periods. Some parents are just convinced that their kids have to look perfect to reflect well on them, I guess. If you used to have short hair, they probably are using this to get you to cut it back to how it was.
I wish I could tell you some secret weapon to help you keep your hair, but I am not sure there is one. If at all possible, try to get you and/or your parents to visit a K-Mart, and I'll bet you could find a few young kids around working there with hair at least as long as yours or even longer. Noticing that might make a difference to your folks. Or... keep it long for the interview, and tell your parents that you'll tell the interviewer you will cut your hair or the job if that's necessary. The interviewer will almost certainly say it makes no difference, and you can report that to your parents.
Good luck to you and let us know how it turns out. If you find no choices at all, at least try to convince them to let you get a trim of some kind instead of a buzz. I would think your parents would be old enough so that they would remember what it was like to be a teenager who wanted to have long hair against his parents' wishes. Don't they remember? How long do you have until the interview?
Re: Sorry for you
Posted by Robert on July 18, 2002 at 16:32:25: Previous Next
In Reply to: Sorry for you posted by Eric too on July 18, 2002 at 02:07:59:
Better yet, use gel and get your hair very, very neat looking. Tell you parents you will get a haircut if it is an issue with the K-Mart people. Don't bring up your hair unless they do. Make sure you are dressed neatly and that you demonstrate (attitude wise) your willingness to work hard. Then, I agree, K-Mart will likely not bring up your hair. With some luck, you will come out with the job and your hair in place.
: Boy, your post really brings back memories: bad memories. Your parents could pass for mine 25 years ago. I can recall my dad telling me he would cut my hair in my sleep, and it really bothered me for years.
: My guess is that K-Mart is probably so hard up for employees that they really could not care less what your hairstyle is. But that is almost impossible to get irate parents to see when they are in one of their hysterical periods. Some parents are just convinced that their kids have to look perfect to reflect well on them, I guess. If you used to have short hair, they probably are using this to get you to cut it back to how it was.
: I wish I could tell you some secret weapon to help you keep your hair, but I am not sure there is one. If at all possible, try to get you and/or your parents to visit a K-Mart, and I'll bet you could find a few young kids around working there with hair at least as long as yours or even longer. Noticing that might make a difference to your folks. Or... keep it long for the interview, and tell your parents that you'll tell the interviewer you will cut your hair or the job if that's necessary. The interviewer will almost certainly say it makes no difference, and you can report that to your parents.
: Good luck to you and let us know how it turns out. If you find no choices at all, at least try to convince them to let you get a trim of some kind instead of a buzz. I would think your parents would be old enough so that they would remember what it was like to be a teenager who wanted to have long hair against his parents' wishes. Don't they remember? How long do you have until the interview?
Re: so pissed off at this moment
Posted by Baldie the Eagle on July 18, 2002 at 08:26:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: so pissed off at this moment posted by ERik on July 18, 2002 at 00:07:28:
Hope you get the job- perferably without a cut.
If you don't get the job, don't tell your parents about the interview until after you've been offered the job. Then, after you have got a job with your hair as you want it, they will not be able to say anything.
It's not telling them lies, just defending yourself.
Re: so pissed off at this moment
Posted by Doug on July 18, 2002 at 10:36:23: Previous Next
In Reply to: so pissed off at this moment posted by ERik on July 18, 2002 at 00:07:28:
Where I live it's obvious from looking at the people who work there that stores like Walmart don't care how long your hair is. My roommate is a manager at CVS (a drugstore here) and he puts his hair in a ponytail when he goes to work. Nice, healthy-looking clean hair tied back in a neat ponytail should be fine. Maybe it would satisfy your dad if you agreed to offer at the interview to cut your hair if necessary for the job. They certainly won't require a buzz cut, and most likely no change at all.
Re: so pissed off at this moment
Posted by i work at kmart on July 18, 2002 at 12:19:49: Previous Next
In Reply to: so pissed off at this moment posted by ERik on July 18, 2002 at 00:07:28:
dude, i work at kmart. dont cut your hair. so long as you dont act like a maaroon youll get hired. the most important thing when applying for a job at a place like kmart is your availability. i guarantee kmart will want you for night shifts, so tell them you have no problem in working nights. do this and the job will be yours. long hair and all.
Re: so pissed off at this moment
Posted by Jim from NM on July 18, 2002 at 14:14:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: so pissed off at this moment posted by ERik on July 18, 2002 at 00:07:28:
I am a 30 year old engineer --- a professional making almost $80,000 a year --- and I have mid-back length hair and an earring in each ear. I had no problem getting my current job (I had 4 offers) and no problem interacting with others in my fairly conservative field while I was a graduate student. It is ridiculous to presume that you can't get a job at K-mart with long hair! Have your parents ever been to a K-mart?
The reason you may be having trouble finding work is that you are very young and the economy in the USA (which is where I assume you live since the rest of the world would reject a store as bad as K-mart) is pretty weak right now. Why are your parents panicking anyway? I didn't start working until I was 16. The little bit of money you will make is not worth it. Enjoy the last free summer of your life. You have 50+ more years of working! Trust me, after 20 years or so of working, not working this one summer won't make any difference.
Re: so pissed off at this moment
Posted by Kris on July 18, 2002 at 16:32:15: Previous Next
In Reply to: so pissed off at this moment posted by ERik on July 18, 2002 at 00:07:28:
I live in Ohio, and I see long-haired guys working at K-Mart, Walmart, Target, etc. ALL THE TIME! Grocery stores, fast food places, gas stations, also have long hairs. I doubt it can be much different where you live, see if you can point out guys with long hair to your parents. Also, don't forget it will be much easier to find a job when summer break is over and kids quit their jobs to go back to school.
Re: so pissed off at this moment
Posted by 4everlong on July 18, 2002 at 16:32:20: Previous Next
In Reply to: so pissed off at this moment posted by ERik on July 18, 2002 at 00:07:28:
: i cant even explain the anger that is going through me at this moment
: i cant even type right. My parents are pissed off that i haent got a job yet anywhere because i have over a dozen apps in at everywhere that would give them to a 15 in a half year old, i dont care what my pay is i just need money, well now my parents got a phone call from k-mart saying they want me for a interview so now my parents are getting all antsy and shit and saying that im going to have to look my best for thuis because its the only place so far that wants me for a interview so looking my best for them is cutting my almost pony tail length hair to a buzz, im about to go nuts here. my dads saying crap like he wouldent even hire someone that looks like me with his hair all long what can i do, i do want a job but i dont beleive i need a haircutt to look nice and clean, my parents are going to force it to like my dad threats to chop some pieces off my hair with sciors
: so it look so bad id have to cutt it
Hey, I used to work for K-Mart (and I'm telling the truth)!!! Hair length is NOT an issue. I got an interview with long hair, and I was HIRED and WORKED with long hair. I got no hassles with it as I worked as well. As long as it is neat and clean, no problem.
Re: so pissed off at this moment
Posted by Erik on July 18, 2002 at 21:25:01: Previous Next
In Reply to: so pissed off at this moment posted by ERik on July 18, 2002 at 00:07:28:
reason for the money, simply one thing man, CAR
Re: so pissed off at this moment
Posted by Reflective on July 19, 2002 at 07:29:31: Previous Next
In Reply to: so pissed off at this moment posted by ERik on July 18, 2002 at 00:07:28:
When your hair is wet, put a lot of gel in it. Then comb it all back so it will be nice and neat. If you do it right, it won't even look long except for from the back. Practice doing this so you can get it right when it's time for the interview. Heck, it might even placate your parents. Just make sure you use gel without alcohol, as the alcohol will damage your hair. I use Dep level 8 with good results. You can get it at um... K-Mart.
Posted by paddy on July 21, 2002 at 15:21:40: Previous Next
In Reply to: so pissed off at this moment posted by ERik on July 18, 2002 at 00:07:28:
by the way, there was this guy working at a target location here (it is a store. i do not know if it is just local, so i thought i would specify) with hair down to his legs.