How refreshing!

How refreshing!
Posted by bonnie on August 03, 2002 at 00:34:08: Previous Next

I just want to comment on how good it feels to read about a bunch of guys really supporting each other about something so personal. I didn't have long hair until I got married when I started to grow it, and now it's halfway down my back. I'm not into my hair the same way some women are (putting lots of styling aids in it and little clips and stuff) and it seems like you guys like the natural feel of having long hair. I love it and feel a sense of freedom I never felt before when I had parent-imposed or society-preferred hair. I had one supervisor complain because I don't tie my hair back and she thought it didn't look "professional", so I do know a very small bit about that part of it (I wouldn't claim to know how it feels to always be encouraged to cut off your hair so people will respect you more- my husband has a longer than average beard and gets crap for it all the time at work). I personally think long hair is a wonderful expression of abundance and self love since it has to be cared for so well. I'm right there with you guys and I say HOORAY for all of you guys willing to let your hair down! Here is my favorite conditioning and detangling stuff: kms SILKER leave-in treatment, and here's some info from the bottle:1-800-342-5567

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