My Progress Pics

My Progress Pics
Posted by Nym on August 03, 2002 at 00:26:19: Previous Next

I posted here a long time ago during my awkward stage around November of last year. This is my progress; I am finally out of the awkward stage!

The first picture is right before I decided to grow my hair back out long (don't laugh). I have no pictures of my awkward stage (I avoided the camera like the plague during that stage- I looked like Eric Estrada from the CHIPs patrol, lol).

The second picture of me was taken about 2-3 months after my awkward stage. The pictures after that show my progress afterwards.

The awkward stage is rough! Reading this board gave me support during my awkward stage, so as payback here's my advice on how I survived the awkward stage (and by surviving, I mean not giving up on growing your hair out and cutting it back to short).

1) Forget about dating women for at least a year (or if your'e already dating a woman, let go on the fact that you will not feel as attractive around her). When you desire women during your awkward stage, you will have an uncanny desire to give up your goal on growing your hair out and going to the hairstyler and getting it cut so you can appear 'cleaner' and 'fresh' looking. Once you let go on the fact that you will not be dating any women for a while, it's not so bad. There will always be a time for women; for once in your life, just focus on yourself- but not TOO much, which leads onwards to my second tip.

2) Don't think about your hair too much- just let it be. Accept the fact that your hair will be very 'nappy' for at least a year. You should only be getting a haircut once every 3 months at the very most (I aimed for once every 4 months), so trust me- you are going to be looking at the mirror and feel very insecure and ugly. Just let it be and accept this for a year- once you do, you will feel much better.

3) Don't go reading every article and post about hair care and growing it out- it will only drive you crazy and impatient.

4) Deep condition you hair twice a week- get some good, strong hair conditioner and let it soak into your hair for 5-7 minutes before rinsing it out. Use cool water to rinse it so you will get that healthy shine. Your hair will look very healthy once it is grown out.

It's really great once you start getting your hair long! And I swear, even though long hair is out of style now (as if those short layered-haicuts are supposed to look good) I could swear I think I women notice me a lot more now. Oh well, could just be an illusion.

Good luck, brothers!

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